Biden’s Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Arming The Taliban – IOTW Report

Biden’s Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Arming The Taliban

Washington Free Beacon

The Taliban has seized scores of American weapons and military equipment from Afghan security forces as the terrorist group accelerates its takeover following the withdrawal of U.S. forces from the country.

Taliban terrorists are now in possession of U.S.-made military vehicles, anti-aircraft guns, armored tanks, and artillery. The munitions were provided to Afghan security forces to secure the country as the United States ends its two-decade war there. The Taliban have overwhelmed Afghan forces, taking over key Afghan provinces and using U.S. weapons to power the offensive.

“These captured systems will increase the mobility and lethality of the Taliban, making them a more formidable adversary,” said Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “We have already seen the Taliban using captured humvees to patrol Kunduz and Sar-e Pol.” More

25 Comments on Biden’s Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Arming The Taliban

  1. @Uncle Al – “…It wouldn’t be so bad if we’d left them the unarmored ones…”

    The Bitme administration is too incompetent to think of that, or booby trapping the other equipment left behind. No. They just turned tail and cut and ran. Just like the woke communists running the military wanted.

  2. I think it’s clear, China told Soros for us to leave Afghanistan pronto, soros told Jarrett, and we high tailed it out of there. We have so many TRAITOROUS BASTARDS in our government I don’t see a way out of this.

  3. “Overwhelmed …” ? The U.S. trained Afg forces dropped their shit and ran like hell . The hardware was left for them to finally fend for themselves . Daddy Greenbacks done left the building and took his troops with him . That country and others are like it are an like 8th grade game of “king of the hill” or “smear the queer” . The media can scramble this egg 15 ways to Sunday , ain’t no nation building in countries like that , it is over..gone..good riddance . Let them have it , waste of time , money , and U.S. lives . Later Taters , have at it ….

  4. Sure the Taliban is getting armed, but now you can sell them parts for all the Tanks & APC, & Humvees.
    Biden’s plan to resurrect the manufacturing sector.

  5. Come on, anybody who doesn’t see the pattern, doesn’t want to. We invade the country and destroy infrastructure, send in contractors and pay them top dollar to rebuild said infrastructure. Start a hasty retreat allowing enemy forces to re-arm themselves with equipment we leave behind that insures that we must return troops and more with more equipment. This is all just propping up the war machine, the military industrial complex’s forever war economics.

  6. Assuming this wasn’t the desired result would be your first mistake.
    Besides, we armed the Taliban back in the 80’s, when they were fighting the Russians.
    Some things never change

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