Do this BEFORE establishments go to mandatory vax, so they get the message now – IOTW Report

Do this BEFORE establishments go to mandatory vax, so they get the message now

19 Comments on Do this BEFORE establishments go to mandatory vax, so they get the message now

  1. A Russian town got their mayor to end the vax passport in 3 weeks by banning together and refusing to go to businesses. That was probably a lot easier in a homogeneous population that hasn’t been divided with hatred for years. Unfortunately here half the people are demanding this and just loving the rise of masks again. We have insane losers reveling in starving people that won’t comply.

  2. Even those who have had the jab need to ask the same questions, in order to get the message across. If they understand (if they’re liberal, they don’t) that the “vaccine passport” is just the introduction to ultimately requiring the correct “certification papers” for living in a totalitarian society. Or, with the China Model, the correct social credit score.

  3. I goto a grocery store that has a big ass sign on front door that says MASKS NOT REQUIRED.

    Inside the grocery store, all the workers sans meat counter helpers wear masks, and 80-90% of the customers do too. The majority of people around me WANT vax cards, they WANT to lose their freedom, they WANT to be told what to do, they live in fear at the very least. It’s very sad!! Oh, and my county is over 70% vaxxed.

  4. “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin

    It’s not surprising that there are such people. What’s surprising is that we have so many of them.

  5. Taking a screenshot of this so I can pull out my phone and remind these business owners that it’s the patron’s that keeps businesses open. 😂

    Oh and by the way, I’ll add you to the growing list that I will give to my attorney if that becomes neccessary to file a class action lawsuit. 😉

  6. It’ll be fun as hell to watch them tell black (or tanned) people they can’t eat there. *whispers like Biden*
    “I’ll tell ya, Folks… THAT’S RACIST! No joke”

    Hey, ask them if they want you to pull down your mask to show them your teeth and then take down your pants so they can see and look through the hair on your private parts, too, like back in the slave days.

  7. I need to see proof of the wait staffs’ commitment to hand washing and showering. I need to see their certificates for that as well.

    Also, how did they get to work? Gas guzzling car?
    How large is your carbon footprint?
    Because climate change is called a ‘deadly virus’ by AOC. Are you going to call her a liar?

  8. You know what would help? Let’s put the wait staff and managements’ photos, copies of vac cards, negative TB test results, drug tests, and health insurance physicals up on the billboards right when you come in and a couple of them near the bathrooms.

    And throw in a few cameras by the sink to make sure they’re washing their hands, too.

  9. After the first question, the answer will be “I’m sorry, we don’t give out that information”. And then the host/hostess will just ask again if you want a table and tell you what the wait time is.

  10. I have had enough cases of explosive diarrhea, after eating in a restaurant, to have given them up years ago.
    The request for info on the help seems entirely, “woke”.

  11. The only businesses thriving in NYC are the online eateries who also deliver without a problem including those street restaurants who refuse to comply with the stupid vaxx passports. No thinking businessman/woman is going to reject paying customers especially since the democrat party ordered up paid domestic terrorists to destroy small biz. Add also home-cooks and bakers who offer food as a needed consumer entity and thriving small biz.

  12. Those who are lorded over by mayors/govs who have demanded these bogus vaxx passports must also themselves submit to their citizenry proof of being illicit drug-free as well as submit proof of being free of std-aids-hiv infections. They must also submit proof of their loyalty to spouses (lol) and proof that they have NEVER been involved in scandal of any kind (more lol).

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