Rep. Lisa Reynolds Says “We Will Force Vaccines” – IOTW Report

Rep. Lisa Reynolds Says “We Will Force Vaccines”

33 Comments on Rep. Lisa Reynolds Says “We Will Force Vaccines”

  1. “Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” ― John F. Kennedy

  2. I have the ability to clamp up, take my kids out of school, not work, or visit any establishment that requires these totalitarian measures for a VERY long time. I didn’t prepare my entire life for nothing.

  3. A 230 grain bolus insertion – a few grains of modern metallurgical science – will be your reward if you contine to attemt to force medical decisions you are massively unqualified to make on people you have no legal right over in a system that REQUIRES the consent of the governed.

    If you persist that’s fine, really. The issue WILL be forced. And its the kind of force that will make it completely unnecessary for YOU to worry about eating or going to the office ever again.

    …I don’t think your “vaccine” will protect you from the will of the people when you’ve pushed them too far.

    It’s not me saying it, it’s history.

    You may want to read up on it before continuing your current course.

  4. Uncle Al ʘ
    AUGUST 14, 2021 AT 1:43 PM
    “Don’t start what you don’t have the stomach to finish, Lisa.”

    …IDK, I’d kind of like to SEE her stomach.

    …after it’s been blown out through her back…

  5. Every petty tyrant in the US now is getting a bully boner over democrats now using mass hypochondria as a permanent political wedge issue. This shit is never going to go away now unless sane people organize and get extremely unfriendly towards the asshole cat ladies and beta-male hypochondriac faggots pushing this mask cult bullshit.

  6. Racer X
    AUGUST 14, 2021 AT 1:58 PM
    “It’s people like Ms. Reynolds that make me wish I had more middle fingers.”

    No worries, you have a trigger finger.

    Properly applied, one is sufficient.

  7. All candidates for political office should be REQUIRED to complete courses on the constitution, bill of rights, and civics 101, not to mention what their OATH OF OFFICE says. When one works FOR THE PEOPLE, that means one doesn’t VIOLATE OUR RIGHTS, no matter what daddy issues one may have. You sorry-ass ignorant politicians DO NOT RULE US. Is that clear?

  8. I never heard of Lisa since she is some backbencher who just goes along to toe the party line, no doubt. I knew she was from some lunatic state and yep-Oregon.

  9. These vaccer people think they are being clever.

    As clever as going after a hornet’s nest with a baseball bat.

    Totalitarians usually wait until they are in control before they show their hands. Those that show them as a coming attraction aren’t successful.

  10. I hope that their life insurance policies are paid up, and their insurance companies are solvent enough to pay out…..a lot.

  11. I have to thank Hussein Obama for turning me into a prepper in 2008. Ammo was cheap and there was plenty of pre-inflation food to store for future use.

    BHO got me ready for his 3rd and 4th Terms in office.

    The last four years with DJT gave me a vision of what I’ll be wanting to keep.

  12. I was catching up on Clay & Buck’s podcast today, they had a fella named Alex Berenson on with them. Not sure if he is an M.D. but he did say that the vaccines DO NOT work. They do for a short time, but their effectiveness wears off quickly. The only way forward is for the population to develop herd immunity. The petty tyrants have had a taste of nearly absolute power & we all know that they will not let go of it without a fight.

  13. In the institution when you want something from someone you first try persuasion and trading. If that doesn’t work, threats come next. If that doesn’t work violence follows. Government’s tried persuasion, moved on through threats and now is beginning the violence in the gentle form of coercion, with more to come. Glad I held off on getting the jab, I only suffered a little shaming and peer pressure at the beginning, now I talk with people who regret taking it though I can’t talk with my mother who took it and died a month later, of course ‘not from the shot’.

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