Summertime Critters – IOTW Report

Summertime Critters

Images from:

1) TennDon (Frog) Froggie Went a Courtin’. Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville, TN.
2) Mansfield Lovell (Pecker of Wood) Get yer minds outta the gutter! It’s Woody The Woodpecker! This dude flies in, takes a bite of the birdseed and flies off. Then a bright red male cardinal flies in and takes a bite. It goes on and on all day.
3) Not at all confused (Butterfly) From Son and DIL: We were eating lunch up the west Boulder and the butterfly joined us at the table. I hooked my tired homie up with a puddle of dark roast coffee and a bit of apple. Looked like he needed a lift- battered torn wings after a party night under the moon. He took his fill for 20 min. Sugar and caffeine- he’s never felt better 🤙 We feed the butterflies when they hang with us. We were hiking in the park one day and one came in and fed on wife’s honey infused tea bag she had set aside. When it was done it freaked out and started flying circles around us 3-4x then landed on a branch nearby looking amped up. Caffeine and honey – it never felt so good.
4) Little Sis (Monarch Caterpillar)
5) Claudia (Katydid)
6) Jethro (Cicada) This image of a cicada is appropriate for this summer, especially for those who live in the mid-Atlantic states.
7) Supernightshade (Frog)

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 8-22, What critters raid birdfeeders? – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY AT NOON. – Let’s see your mug shots!
  • 9-5, Labor Day critter photos – Let’s see how your critter earn their keep! Bwaaahahahaha
  • 9-12, What kind of strange or unusual critters do you have or have taken pictures of. Freaky? Adorable? Bizzare? Looking for something other than kitty or doggies, since we have tons of those every week! Weeee, let’s see what you can find in your yard or … wherever! Well, kitties and doggies are ok, too, especially if they are doing something weird/strange. We know they can!

Thanks for the submissions, wonderful readers!

11 Comments on Summertime Critters

  1. Good morning Lady C. Thanks for posting our weekly sanity critters.

    That pic doesn’t show scale very well. This guy’s about half as big as my thumb, and had some apparently siblings in the area so I guess everyone left my little creek in my Hundred Acre Wood to go do some night exploring for themselves. This guy got caught in the harsh light of me going to lock the chicken coop for the night as his kin bounced happily away, so I guess he learned a valuable lesson about fraternal loyalty if nothing else…

    This guy hopped over inside of the chicken run after I took this. For his sake, I hope he didn’t spend the night there, because there’d be one unhappy Frog Mom and one very happy chicken the next day if he did…

  2. We have a family of racoons who have taken up residence in the maple tree between my yard and my neighbors yard. My daughter took pictures of the bandits up on my roof yesterday afternoon. I’m getting some traps and will capture them and turn them over to the Fish & Wildlife Dept. or maybe I’ll drown them all like my brothers does in the Spokane valley in a 55 gallon drum full of water, he just puts the trap into the water and drowns the critters. He also has racoon traps that I can borrow. Racoons may be cute but they’re also pests which Wash. state has declared unlimited war on.

  3. I’m glad there is no cockroach in those photos, a bug that I really don’t like.

    Bugs can be pretty neat. Some ID scientists have displayed pictures of the gear mechanism in grasshoppers rear leg joints, which gives them their great jumping ability. They look like machined gears that were designed by an intelligent agent, i.e. God. The chance of it happening through random evolutionary change is remote if not completely nil.

  4. Hey Claudia great pics BUT we are having a bug issue and I just can’t look at anything creepy crawly right now!! I feel them on my legs, back and neck already!! Yuck!!

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!


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