China Producing Videos Calling White Americans Racist and Promoting CRT – IOTW Report

China Producing Videos Calling White Americans Racist and Promoting CRT

11 Comments on China Producing Videos Calling White Americans Racist and Promoting CRT

  1. China’s Socialist (Communists) regime are a bunch of pussies. They’ve never followed up on one global threat they’ve made, ever On the contrary, they back the fuck down. Every time. Don’t don’t take my word for it. Research it. And the still have only two vintage 1960 swoop decked aircraft carriers. Maverick and Goose gonna get your ass.

  2. The Chinese are the most racist people on the planet. They are trying to develop viruses that are race specific so they can cleanse the Earth of all other races besides their own.

  3. What is supremely funny and outrageously ironic, liberals in this country celebrated the white race shrinking.

    Meanwhile China, with over a billion in population is saying “hold my beer.”
    You think your minorities will EVER be a majority when CHINA exists?

  4. About the communist chinese: As seen with the butt-wooped Biden who has been a lifelong white supremacist, the chicoms also are extreme racists who have conveniently ‘forgotten’ they herded millions of muslim Ughyur people into captivity for forced labor and sex trafficking including forced sterilization of women and mass genocide. ChiComs also have a hatred for all non-whites especially those living in that country and unable to flee with multitudes captured, abused, and denied employment and housing.


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