Massive Protest Against Vaccine Mandates Took Place In Oklahoma – IOTW Report

Massive Protest Against Vaccine Mandates Took Place In Oklahoma

From Koco 5 news: Hundreds of people gathered at the state Capitol on Saturday for what they called the Oklahoma Freedom Rally, with many protesting against mandates on the COVID-19 vaccine and masks.

While hundreds of people made it inside the Capitol rotunda for the rally, hundreds more were still outside as of 5 p.m., waiting to get in. Some even held their own mini-rallies.

People inside the Capitol sang “America the Beautiful,” chanted “USA!” and recited the pledge of allegiance. Many held American flags and signs that said “no vaccine mandate,” “protect our freedom” and “mandate medical freedom.”


3 Comments on Massive Protest Against Vaccine Mandates Took Place In Oklahoma

  1. It could have been more if they had organized it better. I didn’t even learn of it until it was already happening.
    Obviously though the majority of our Legislature and our Governor doesn’t care. It takes either 2/3 of the Legislature or the Governor to call a special session, which is what Oklahomans want them to do. We’ve been calling for weeks asking the Governor to do so, even called the Lt. Governor when the Governor was out of the country to try and get him to do it. We’ve been calling our Senators and Reps. First it was just for them to do something to stop these businesses from mandating vaccines, now it’s that and to amend the law about schools mandating masks and vaccines. They passed a law that schools can’t mandate masks or vaccines, yet they didn’t put any kind of punishment for violating the law and schools across the state are violating the law.

    The damn tribes in this state now are thinking they run the state thanks to SCOTUS. They keep rattling the bars threatening red flag laws against whites and Indians, threatening to make their own forced vaccines for all on tribal land, which they now claim is pretty much all of the state. Their Marshalls are suddenly pulling people over on the highways. The worst is Cherokee Nation who elected a leftist POS as chief. Most say they installed him as chief as they believe he stole the election. They’re about to start a war in this state.


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