Here We Go —> George W. Bush Urges Biden To ‘Cut Red Tape’ To Allow Afghan Refugees Into U.S. – Update: Kemp To Take in Afghan Refugees – IOTW Report

Here We Go —> George W. Bush Urges Biden To ‘Cut Red Tape’ To Allow Afghan Refugees Into U.S. – Update: Kemp To Take in Afghan Refugees


The “refugees” will not be vetted. And I can guarantee you there will be American-hating terrorists in the mix, and we have enough of those born here.


George W. Bush, the former president responsible for going to war in Afghanistan more than 20 years ago, is urging President Joe Biden to move quickly to allow refugees from Afghanistan into the U.S.

“Laura and I have been watching the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan with deep sadness,” Bush said in a statement on Monday. “Our hearts are heavy for both the Afghan people who have suffered so much and for the Americans and NATO allies who have sacrificed so much.”


Bush is a dope. When we collapse, where do we flee?

UPDATE – Georgia’s guv, Brian Kemp, announces he will take in Afghan refugees.

38 Comments on Here We Go —> George W. Bush Urges Biden To ‘Cut Red Tape’ To Allow Afghan Refugees Into U.S. – Update: Kemp To Take in Afghan Refugees

  1. There is an under crowded ‘ranch’ in Crawford, TX that should be able to host all these new ‘Mericans.

    In return for their free room and board, dumdum W can ax them to clear some of his brush.

  2. Remember how the Syrian Civil war was used to import “Syrian Refugees” from EVERY COUNTRY IN AFRICA and still is, but somehow found a reason to NOT import the Christians who were GENUINELY being persecuted and ALSO deported the few that DID make it in?

    …it’s like that…

  3. The Democrats are doomed in 2022 and 2024. Be ready for the scramble push of everything we feared during their last year if power.

    Reparations next? Anything goes.

  4. Half of the Afghani Air Force is here already, after they went AWOL here in training during Barky’s regime. W just wants to reunite them with their families, I’m sure.

  5. Dear George, do you think your second career as a “Painter/Artist” may be where Hunter got the Idea from.

    And I would not let either one of you paint my Natural Gas lines Safety Yellow.

  6. How treasonous do these politicians have to be before we seriously get in their faces ?!?!?!

    Mark the military as FUBAR, along with the FBI, CIA, IRS, CONgress, SCOTUS.
    Hell, what’s left that is not FUBAR ?

  7. So his heart doesn’t bleed for the Americans left over there, many of them contractors / former military that are actively being hunted and murdered while Biden and POS Bush try to move in any military age man in Afganistan while openly stating they won’t put Americans first.

  8. Another fukkin traitor.
    It’s almost as though if we ever see a true American in politics we’ll be surprised – shocked, in fact.
    Bush is a Globalist sell-out.
    Crenshaw is a stooge.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. My first apartment back in ‘82 was in a run-down complex right next to I-85 and Cheshire Bridge road. It was mostly gays, and the rest were Afghani refugees from the Soviets. It was the only place that would rent to us.

    Our apartment was infested with roaches, and we figured out it was probably from the apartment downstairs with about twelve Afghanis living there. We sprayed our place up and down, but it was futile. Then a month after we moved in, the Afghanis moved out.

    We went to Kmart and bought about four gallons of insecticide, broke in the apartment downstairs and coated every nook and cranny with bug-killer. Problem solved, and we moved out five months later to a better place.

  10. Just what we need. Thousands of islamist men (did you see women at the airport over there?) so we can have rapes and honor killings.
    Thousands of uneducated, illiterate people who think they can take a sink off a wall in one place and just stick it on the wall in another and it will work. (Hubby’s company saw this happen in the Mid East) They won’t be able or willing to work so they’ll live off our money and learn real quick from the likes of Catholic Charities to cry raaaacist! at every turn.

  11. Said many times the last 10 months that the reason Joe “won”GA is 2 leftist GWB boys Rffy and kemp.
    Kemp always hated Ronny, who lover Americans, so kemp puts Americans last!

    If non GWB “Republicans” had been in GA Don would have won! WHICH HE DID GWB’S men stole the election for Joe!

  12. After reading reports of “men” pushing women and children out of the way to get on board airplanes evacuating the Kabul airport, then seeing the inside of those planes filled with these “men”, I don’t want a single one of them here. we already have an over abundance of cowards.

  13. We can’t even rescue our own citizens from the Shrub’s shithole, and he wants to import more Goat Fornicators?
    Too bad one of them won’t crash a jumbo jet into his ranch.

  14. Kemp, you fucking bastard motherfucker! I moved to Georgia from NJ and thought I was free of Marxist destructive policies and now I see you, you fucking bastard stinking up the place like any good democrat piece of shit! Fuck you a 1000 times you loathsome prick!

  15. The Gov of VA wants refugees too after insisting state employees get vaccinated. How do you require COVID vax from US citizen but allow Afghans to come here knowing they have who knows what running through their veins? Nothing but virtue signaling. Tearing the US one refugee at a time

  16. The Catholic Church used to send missionaries out into the world and support them with the donations of the faithful. Now Catholic Charities (inc.) imports their charitable cases and is funded by the government to resettle them. Dems get ’em in the voting booth and Bishops get ’em in the pews.

    FYI, they are already housing some of the Afghan translators at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia:

    But, not to worry, Fort A.P. Hill is one of 3 bases in Virginia slated for a name change b/c Confederate Generals aren’t woke. Any suggestions?

  17. The problem of taking in turd world people like here in Minnesotans we took in a lot of Hmong people after viet nam. These were people that fought with us and I work with and lead the next generation. And they are very good workers. Very sharp. But when they’re parents came over. They were crapping in urinals. And digging crap holes in back yards. And this was not an Islamic invasion like what we’re looking at now.
    At the same time we can’t let the sons of mohamed kill everyone!

  18. Tony R

    There are a lot of cultures that put the women and children up front.

    A few years ago in Toronto, Tamil Protesters blocked the Gardner Expressway, University Ave, & access to the Main Hospital Row in Toronto. They Hid behind their Women & Children. (May 2009 many sources)

    Police Chief Bill Blair was busy getting his head shaved for cancer while Torontonians Could not actually get to the Hospitals for hours for their cancer treatments. He Is Now a Liberal inner cabinet minister who just passed the last round of severely restrictive Gun Legislation.

    My cop buddies think he was/is a piece of shit.

  19. Like Biden et al, George Bush has also been found to be a long-time player in the world of dark money and polluted politics. And like the illegals which Biden permitted over the US southern border, all whom should be directed to the Biden white house, so be it also that the Afghans be sent to the Bush estate where hot meals and baths await. Not a wonder that Biden & Co refused the Cuban freedom-seekers but not so with illegals and Afghans. The fall of Afghanistan is a deliberate act assisted by the Biden Fool cabal.


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