Man Attacked At ATM in NYC by Hatchet Wielding Maniac – IOTW Report

Man Attacked At ATM in NYC by Hatchet Wielding Maniac

Dem controlled cities are shitholes.


16 Comments on Man Attacked At ATM in NYC by Hatchet Wielding Maniac

  1. OK – now I’m convinced. I’ll take the experimental jab so I can get the “Key to NYC” vaccine passport so I can experience EVERYTHING New York City has to offer!

    Why anybody in their right mind would visit or live in the hellhole is beyond me.

  2. Actually, not a hatchet as pictured.
    I guess “Meat Cleaver” is too many syllables for most reporters.
    Otherwise, a good training video supporting the need for situational awareness and defensive weapons in urban crimeholes, esp. when conducting financial transactions.

  3. Maybe it’s me, but I would have checked out anybody who entered the room.

    But then again, the victim would have been portrayed as a racist for looking at the guy. I’m surprised authorities did not blur out the scum-bag to keep people from drawing racist conclusions.


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