Brilliant Meme – Kudos to the maker – IOTW Report

Brilliant Meme – Kudos to the maker

13 Comments on Brilliant Meme – Kudos to the maker

  1. OT

    Keep eye on Florida.

    Tampa (Hillsborough County school board) tonight mandated 30 days of masks, after last week giving parents and opt out and the possibility of pulling their kid, and their kids’ funding, if they don’t like the policy.

    About a third of the county’s parents bothered to opt out so this could be huge. since it is the ninth largest district in the country. Depends on how POd they get.

    The bigger issue is how DeSantis is going to respond since they just called his bluff. May get very interesting.

  2. Abandoning Vietnam, Iraq, paying Iran and now the disaster in Afghanistan. Biden has quite the resume’ for Failure.

    Turns out Biden was also involved in the epic failure that was the fall of Saigon.
    (I’ll add Biden avoided Vietnam Draft)
    Biden received FIVE student draft deferments and coincidentally after graduation he was deemed 1Y unfit for duty.

    And now this draft evader is making decisions regarding the lives of our military, citizens and US Contractors in Afghanistan.
    Biden is an incompetent failure unfit to lead this nation. He forgot his first duty is to the Citizens of our Nation.

    Biden has no redeeming qualities or the ability to lead this Nation.


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