Head Of Socialist Publication Fires Staff For Trying To Organize – IOTW Report

Head Of Socialist Publication Fires Staff For Trying To Organize


Nathan J. Robinson, editor-in-chief of the socialist magazine Current Affairs, has fired most of its staff for trying to start a worker co-op, workers wrote in a letter posted on Twitter on Wednesday morning. 

“We, the former full and part-time staff, write to you with deep sadness and disappointment about the recent events that have occurred at Current Affairs,” a letter signed by five fired staffers said. More

19 Comments on Head Of Socialist Publication Fires Staff For Trying To Organize

  1. The office workers at my Union (I WAS FORCED TO JOIN) joined a separate union because the union they worked for was screwing them arround on lunch hours, vac time & pay & generally being assholes.

  2. Years ago, a friend told me that the drink girls in a particular Vegas casino were making $16 per hour (To get lost or get your drink order wrong) not including tips. The catch was, the union fees made them give up part of that and they ended up making around $8 or $9 per hour. And they still had to claim tips for federal taxes (automatic percentage comes off when they file).

  3. They should count themselves lucky they were not sent to a re-education camp or liquidated. I wish they would have been, that is what the subhuman pieces of shit would have others live under.

  4. They’ll start meeting at a local cafe, sipping coffee, lamenting on how hard it is to make it in this crappy world when they have all the answers but no one listens, all the while bumming smokes off any passersby.

  5. This is a valuable lesson: you workers are expendable proles with no power and no say. Socialism exists only to benefit the elite – and you ain’t a member of that club.

    I would recommend that you either make a real effort to learn this lesson, or learn to barbeque pets and zoo animals.


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