Olympian Auctions Off Medal To Help Pay For Infant’s Heart Surgery, Auction Winner Refuses To Take It – IOTW Report

Olympian Auctions Off Medal To Help Pay For Infant’s Heart Surgery, Auction Winner Refuses To Take It

Fox News

Polish javelin thrower and Olympian Maria Andrejczyk has auctioned off her silver medal to help raise money for an infant’s heart surgery, but the winning bidder has refused to accept her medal. 

Andrejczyk, 25, took to Facebook last week to announce that she would be auctioning off her silver medal to help raise funds for 8-month-old Miloszek Malysa, of Poland, who was in need of life-saving heart surgery. More

14 Comments on Olympian Auctions Off Medal To Help Pay For Infant’s Heart Surgery, Auction Winner Refuses To Take It

  1. That is an inspiring story on several levels.

    I’ve been reading a lot wonderful stories about Poland and her citizens lately. In the culture war that we are currently in, conservatives need to embrace European countries like Poland, who have “been there and done that”, and are rejecting totalitarian communism.

  2. I read about this wonderful gesture this morning. What immediately jumped out at me, this complicated operation will be done at Stanford Medical Center. The US has the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, that is why they come all this way. Freedom breeds creativity and innovation, it allows for maximum potential.

  3. I’ve been to a few charity auctions and it usually turns out to be a waste of time if you’re looking to actually purchase something. The same item goes up for bid 10 times or even more in some cases and waaaay over price, the winner just says, “run it again!” Nice gesture, but man is it a frustratingly long. They could have easily just gone to the cashier and cut a check to save time, but no, they gotta show off to everyone how nice they are.

  4. @rich taylor –

    It pains me greatly to think that we might have to experience what Poland had to endure before our useful idiots awaken to the intellect, insight and foresight that our forefathers had in creating the Constitution to set this country apart from the rest of the world.

  5. I will be in Poland next week!
    Ronald Reagan monument is on my list.
    Plus, I am consciously visitingh monuments to tadeusz kosciuszko, a great Polish engineer who helped us win the Revolutionary War.
    Proud Pole here!

  6. Yea those Poles and the Check/Hungery people
    are pretty dam conservative. I like them alot.
    Victor Orban for world prezzy! That javalin thrower
    lady is fine looking and got a heart as big as Texas.


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