Is this the livestream of person of interest in pickup truck in front of capitol building? – IOTW Report

Is this the livestream of person of interest in pickup truck in front of capitol building?

Yes. It is.

49 Comments on Is this the livestream of person of interest in pickup truck in front of capitol building?

  1. Yeah, all the antifa related people (like john sullivan, you remember him from the capitol) has posted this on FB. Funny how they knew before everyone else did.

    FB has since taken the videos down. lol

    He’s a plant. Probably a Federal employee.
    Guess which one.

  2. Remember the dude who blew himself up in Nashville? The Alphabets just couldn’t pin down a motive, goshdarnit, but it definitely wasn’t terrorism. It “was an intentional act in an effort to end his own life, driven in part by a totality of life stressors – including paranoia, long-held individualized beliefs adopted from several eccentric conspiracy theories, and the loss of stabilizing anchors and deteriorating interpersonal relationships.”

    Whole lotta ambiguity there. I expect this new guy will be similar. Shuffled off in cuffs, never to be heard from again if he lives.

  3. I expect many more CIA false flag Good Ole white boy “MAGA” types to distract from Pedos debacle and create an excuse for a Federal gun grab.

    The timing of this does not surprise me at all. Gives CNN something else to focus on.

  4. SQUIRRELS !!!! Squirrels EVERYWHERE!

    Legions of squirrels. They’re coming outta Joey’s ears and Kamala’s cu….

    Certain death will befall us all from the upcoming Squirrel Stampede. Come on man! This is a big fu–in’ deal !

  5. Why didn’t he just drive to Delaware? That’s where Joe is. haha

    You know what would be funny? What if it’s the generals fucking with joe because he just cut off their middle east money? 🤣

  6. If his SocMed presence is found before it is scrubbed, I bet it won’t match up with his video rhetoric. Tou’d think the FBI would have scrubbed it already, but they tend to lose track of their projects and get blindsided by unexpected eruptions.

  7. Yeah, this guy’s a credible threat to somebody with 24 /7 massively armed security. Joe’s biggest threat is somebody forgot to wipe his ass after he shits his pants.

  8. If he isn’t FBI, then one of them mind-fucked him HARD.
    Kind of like the Fake FBI/Whitmer kidnapping. It was one guy and the rest were agents. They got the one guy and set him up.

    This is just insane.
    Will they shoot him, though? That’s how the ‘bombs’ are supposed to go off.

    say this guy is just a loon, and the ‘other guys’ are feds, and the bombs are fake,
    they will shoot to kill him and he wouldn’t know if the bombs went off or not.

  9. He should have shown up in that big white van with Trump stickers all over it owned by the guy that allegedly sent white powder to dems right before the midterms of 2018. Lets see what they don’t we want you thinking about, the vaccine deaths and injuries piling up, the nurses, doctors, pilots and others all threatening to walk due to vax mandates, how about the AZ results and it is now apparent to everyone Joe Biden did not win the election.

    DC is the most surveilled and protected city in the country and they want us to believe this.

  10. So wait, he’s a suicidal Biden supporter? I met a few of them at the gym this morning where I announced that if you were stupid enough to vote for Biden you should forfeit your voting rights. By the way, how are you liking these new fuel prices? How about the escalating grocery prices. At least we don’t need to put up with those mean tweets.

  11. Everyone who says this is a distraction is right.
    Give the propaganda talking heads something else to talk about.
    Afghanistan is a disaster.
    Inflation is getting out of control.
    The AZ audit is coming out.
    Mike Lindell’s people showed how the machines were rigged.
    No one wants Kommiela as POTUS.

  12. I think I heard him singing, LSD and the FBI did a job on me, now I’m a real sicky.
    His real family is probably already dead.
    Anybody else besides me suddenly have those 60 protests songs playing in their heads. Far out man.
    And it’s 1234 what are we fighting for? You all know the rest. Word, bitches. LOL


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