“you, you, you, you right now, you are on vacation and our country was burning” – IOTW Report

“you, you, you, you right now, you are on vacation and our country was burning”

Woman calls out the great geo-strategist Joe Biden…

25 Comments on “you, you, you, you right now, you are on vacation and our country was burning”

  1. It’s part of the plan, they’re not only going to use their land, the evil black soul bastards are bringing them to our land and calling them refugees. They even admit they had the nerve to say out of 2000 rescued, 300 were Americans.

  2. “We think that the Taliban would make terrific border guards for our Canadian and Mexican borders. They’ve been vetted, cover tested and should deploy in the next few weeks”….

  3. There are a couple hundred million Americans that warrant equal outrage and equal disgust at what that old fool has done to us as a nation ,”Biden, you have allowed unvetted covid carrying invaders into our land, you have destroyed the rule of law by going after selfy takers and doing nothing to burners and looters, you have destroyed our economy from within but printing devalued currency and destroying jobs and businesses wholesale, you have weakened our military by prioritizing dangerous ideology over actual war fighting, and worst of all, you have turned brother against brother with deference to identity politics and made us all hate our neighbor”.

    We should all be just as passionate, just as animated as this poor woman.

  4. Those dancing talaban’ers all look like flaming homosexuals, which pisses me off even more that the vaunted Afghan military rolled over like they did to these pussies.

    And why is it that every time we see a photo of these goat fuckers they are all carrying busted up string encased 50 year old Kalashnikov’s. I thought we left some really good weapons for them to use, why are they still totting around Brown Bess equivalents?

  5. I agree with Rich Taylor above, but would like to add an additional thought.
    We will be back in Afghanistan within 4 to 5 years.
    Why? Because 1 to 2 TRILLION dollars of ore and metals were discovered approximately 5 years ago.
    No self respecting Capitalistic nation would let that go without a fight.
    Make no mistake, I’m a rabid Capitalist and would agree if we went back in. Only the next time, go in with the absolute resolve to eradicate root and branch the Taliban and all radical Mohammedans. The rest would get rich off their natural resources and the refugees in other countries would see that and move back and all would be lovely.

    Or, we can just nuke the fuck out of all the Islamic countries, and set up trebuchets on the coasts of all the countries that the 7th century, inbred goat fuckers have invaded, and launch them into the sea/ocean.

    I pick option 2.

  6. Look, honey, I’m on vacation and don’t have time for your crap. If you want to complain, complain to the Taliban for conquering your country while I’m trying to relax and unwind.

    And would you mind sending Achmed over here with another mojito? Thanks.

  7. Every member of Biden’s corrupt administration and their families should have to witness the beheadings done by the Taliban. Jen Psaki should be made to stand in front of the cage when they burn people alive. Thing is, it probably wouldn’t bother that bitch one bit.

  8. There is no way the Taliban pulled this off by “surprise”. It took communication, coordination, and massive assembling and mobilization of their forces, all of which could not have gone unnoticed by the CIA and NSA. No, the people pulling the strings of puppet pedo Joe knew what was coming down, and probably were coconspirators. Joe is a disposable fall guy, the perfect patsy. After months of stumbling and bumbling, it is clear to everyone he is senile, so now even the dems are turning on him. He will be gone by the end of the year, and the Chinese, the Obamas, the Clintons, and George Soros will exploit the mineral wealth of Afghanistan.


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