It Rained On Greenland’s Summit For The First Time In Recorded History – IOTW Report

It Rained On Greenland’s Summit For The First Time In Recorded History


It rained, rather than snowed, at the summit of Greenland on Saturday for the first time on record, according to the National Snow & Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The summit, which is about two miles above sea level, marks the highest point on Greenland’s ice sheet. NSIDC said rain was observed at the summit for several hours on August 14, and that above-freezing temperatures were also recorded, lasting for about nine hours.

It was the third time in less than a decade that above-freezing temperatures and wet snow were recorded there. In total, about 7 billion tons of rainfall dropped onto Greenland’s ice sheet, according to the NSIDC. More

19 Comments on It Rained On Greenland’s Summit For The First Time In Recorded History

  1. Ooh, article complete with warnings about flooding of costal regions around the world.

    Just how long is the recorded history of the weather on Greenland’s Summit?

  2. The National Snow & Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder… pffft. They traded in their credibility for global waring/climate change wokie points decades ago.

  3. Can you imagine having THAT desk job?! “Okay, you’re primarily responsible for monitoring the rainfall at the summit of Greenland. And here are some pencils that need sharpening, too.”

    One of the most wonderous things I’ve ever been party to was flying over Greenland on a flight from Amsterdam to Seattle. Middle of the night (about 2:30a local). I think I was the only person not sleeping. The inside of the aircraft was dark and there was a full moon over a cloudless sky. Greenland below — all lit up and breathtaking.

  4. ” It Rained On Greenland’s Summit For The First Time In Recorded History” that’s these assholes are aware of.

    Plus, if it rains on a glacier, ice sheet, won’t it freeze fast, making this a non-event.

    So meh, loser chicken little shits.

  5. Climate King,
    You forgot the (/s) tag at the end. The way you say it, someone (Libtards) might take you seriously.

  6. ‘Recorded history’? You mean 300 years out of 4,300,000,000 years of unrecord history.

    There was an ice age 10,000 years ago. Too bad these bastards’ DNA didn’t die off in it.


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