The FBI Exonerated Trump For Incitement or Involvement with Jan 6th. Where is the Rebuke of the 117th Congress For Bringing Up False Charges? – IOTW Report

The FBI Exonerated Trump For Incitement or Involvement with Jan 6th. Where is the Rebuke of the 117th Congress For Bringing Up False Charges?

The House of Representatives of the 117th U.S. Congress adopted one article of impeachment against Trump of “incitement of insurrection”, alleging that he had incited the January 6 attack of the U.S. Capitol.

14 Comments on The FBI Exonerated Trump For Incitement or Involvement with Jan 6th. Where is the Rebuke of the 117th Congress For Bringing Up False Charges?

  1. Most of them will not accept this finding and continue to push the narrative that Jan 6 was a Trump led insurrection just like many still hang onto the Russian collusion story.

  2. …no worries, I’m sure the RNC is drafting a strongly worded letter as we speak, to be released after the 2024 elections or when the last illegally detained Jan 6th patriot dies without trial in Nancy’s prisons, whichever comes last…

  3. Meaningless. The FBI has no credibility left. The “progressives” have successfully replaced Lex Rex where the law is what governs the country and replaced it with Rex Lex, wherein the whims of the powers that be trump the law. Given their prerogatives the subhuman pieces of shit would do away with the Constitutional law all together and take us back to the days when “might makes right.”

    Nothing the FBI does has not been subjugated to politics. The Agency as it exists today serves the powers that be and not the people. If Diogenes were looking for one honest man in today’s United States of America he would most definitely want to consider inside the FBI as one of the least likely places to find such a man. That institution has been so systemically corrupted that it would be hard to find even a decent man therein.

  4. Mission accomolished by ChiComms and their swamp puppets.

    Our country is collapsing, guys. Obama and gang are the boogeymen behind the scenes.

    It’s too late to salvage. We have to split up and leave the American Taliban and their useful idiots behind. Otherwise, we’ll be living in hell.

  5. They know they lie and their false narratives will never be proven as fact, but months of free fake news will cause many to believe it was fact.
    And they can’t understand how people can trust a president who told them the truth and loves America!


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