Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks Below Disapproval – IOTW Report

Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks Below Disapproval

National Review

As post-Taliban-takeover surveys start to come in, the RealClearPolitics average of polls has President Biden’s approval rating at 47.8. Disapproval is at 48.6. This is the first time he has been underwater in his presidency, and as the catastrophe sinks in, those numbers are bound to get worse for him.

How would you like to be a Democrat in a place like, say, Georgia, and be tied to Biden’s agenda? Biden is at 39 percent approval in Georgia. If I were a vulnerable Democrat, I’d be backing away rather quickly from all things Biden. More

h/t Liberal Hivemind, which I strongly recommend.

Blue Collar Logic on the other hand has, sad to say, gone off the rails.

18 Comments on Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks Below Disapproval

  1. I was just thinking, Biden’s signature “C’mon Man” Is Sexist and non

    inclusionary ..(I’m shocked that is a real word)

    Hillary will be in the White House by November 3rd…

    “It’s an islam World after all”

    It’s well beyond Time for the Watering.

  2. I really can not say much.

    Canuckistan will most likely Re-Elect Turdeau with a majority this time.

    The Biden effect has made the Idiot Of Canuckistan actually seem intelligent by comparison.

  3. Gosh. What the hell do Georgia Dhimmcrats have anything to worry about now that we have fixed elections and are officially a banana republic?

    That National Review is so cute. I subscribed to their magazine up until the cleansing of 2008 when I realized they were in on the scam. A shame I didn’t realize the same with the entire Republican party at large until 2018.

  4. Before the election, I used to listen to, “Blue Collar Logic,” but mostly Jason. Dave always seemed like what Michael Knowles calls, “a squish.” Now it’s clear that Dave is a conservative like Stephen Colbert’s character was a conservative on, “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” Listening to Dave is like listening to any other Karen. I only lasted about four minutes into his twenty-three minute video. In that time, Dave mentioned “the vaccine” a few times, but NEVER included the adjective, “experimental.”

    Tomorrow, (Monday,) the Pfizer clot shot is likely to receive final approval from the FDA, in spite of vaccinating the control group in the official trial as soon as emergency authorization was given AND in spite of the schedule on the FDA website previously estimating approval in 2023.

    What will be special is a factoid that a friend pointed out to me yesterday. As soon as one RONA treatment is approved, the other emergency authorizations become void. Whoopsie! How are the competing “vaccine” makers going to deal with that dropped boner?


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