People With No Real Problems Create Problems – IOTW Report

People With No Real Problems Create Problems

I would add another type of person to Adam’s thesis – kids who still live with their rich parents, or kids that are in college with everything paid for by the state or their parents.

18 Comments on People With No Real Problems Create Problems

  1. I’ve been saying this for years.
    It’s human nature to deal with adversity. If your life is too easy you will either search for adversity (charitable work) or make it up (rich leftists).
    Marx and Engels were perfect examples. Engels was rich from inheritance, and Marx sponged off him.

  2. Bill Ayre’s dad was the chairman and CEO of Consolidated Edison in the Chicago area. So yep, he was a spoiled rich kid. Most of the privileged kids I knew growing up either turned out to be stoners or neer do wells and didn’t fare well, as they grew older. Not all of them but most did. I don’t envy people their money or their prestige, they almost always had more problems than I did and money or their parents influence to coddle them and buy their way out of their troubles, never learning anything ever about personal responsibility.

  3. Rush made the clarification that liberals are basically miserable people who feel that their life is worthless. They assume no one has respect for them which makes them feel invisible.
    They don’t like people who are genuinely happy, with their existence naturally having a purpose.
    This compels them to create a “cause” to belong to so that their empty life has meaning.
    Suddenly, there is drama and they band together with other empty liberals, giving them all a reason to be ‘appalled’ that YOU don’t agree on particular issues.
    Now their life has meaning and their abhorrence for other humans is justified.

  4. A dog that is in the hunt doesn’t know it’s got fleas.

    Idle hands and even worse idle minds make work for the devil. Who knew?

    Also, “I’m depressed” or “I have been diagnosed with ADD” is nothing but a fucking bullshit excuse to continue to be an idler who sits around conjuring up imaginary ailments or even worse bullshit fantasies that they have the solution for everything that ails the world and/or to shit on other people.

    I don’t have time for people like that. Get the fuck over it and the way to do that is to get off your worthless ass and do something constructive.

  5. @ woody AUGUST 22, 2021 AT 10:18 AM

    Anyone who has ever lived with one of the pieces of shit know that is 100% a valid conclusion on Rush’s part

    Their malicious behavior knows no limit and it stems from their own self hatred and the embrace of envy as a virtue

  6. @ Left Coast Dan AUGUST 22, 2021 AT 9:32 AM

    As a child I observed such parents indulge their late teen and early twenties privileged offspring, particularly but not exclusive in Seattle and Portland. This was in the 1960’s and 1970’s and it was obvious to me where this would lead. My mom branded me a reactionary at an early age, but shortly before she passed away in 2019 she said to me that I had been absolutely right about where this was leading.

  7. Affluence begets Apathy.
    Apathy begets Disintegration.
    Disintegration begets Collapse.
    Collapse begets Exertion.
    Exertion begets Affluence.

    Even most (I’m assuming) middle-income brats are sitting on their thumbs staring into their phones – one mustn’t necessarily be a scion of the rich to be worthless – but it helps.

    They’re bored and they hate the facts that: 1) they were born and 2) that they’re not God.

    I’m not sure but I don’t believe there’s a cure.
    (other than the obvious)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Melissa Joan Hart (I think that’s her name), a silly-ass actress is quoted as saying: “The real problem is that there is nothing for kids on TV at 8pm”.

    Maybe I’m taking it out of context but she did say it.

    Watching less or no TV will make kids smarter and contribute to their mental health.

  9. I guess the happiest times I ever had was when I was young and had the least money. I never had money problems back then because I lived within my meager means. I was very content with what I did have because I knew I worked for everything I had.


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