Black Republicans at the Forefront of New Civil-Rights Movement – IOTW Report

Black Republicans at the Forefront of New Civil-Rights Movement

Headline News: With California’s Sept. 14 recall election three weeks away, the vicious attacks on GOP candidate Larry Elder hit a new low recently.

The Los Angeles Times‘s Erika D. Smith contemptibly claimed that Elder, a conservative talk-radio host and longtime Fox News personality was the “black face of white supremacy.”

The newspaper dredged up a quarter-century-old recording of Elder using the n-word during a comedy bit to lampoon the defense lawyers in OJ Simpson’s murder trial. (Thank goodness pioneering comedians Richard PryorEddie MurphyChris Rock and Dave Chappelle never thought about running for office!)

Yet, clearly the LA Times took it to heart when embattled Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom—a leader who wears his ‘white rage’ on his sleeve like ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo does his Italian amorousness—cursed at the media for failing to rally around the “home team.”

It’s as if those who have a problem figuring out whether they support California’s far-left status-quo or the prospect of making history by electing the state’s first black governor aren’t really Californians. They’re the visiting team, and the press must cover them accordingly. more here

7 Comments on Black Republicans at the Forefront of New Civil-Rights Movement

  1. I half-read some hit piece last week about Elder’s ex-wife saying he threatened her with a gun, no stone left unturned, I guess.

    The big push will come in about a week, this is when the lion’s share of that war chest he has accumulated will be used.

    If the voting process is not contaminated [dubious at best] it will all come down to voter turnout. The right is motivated, the left, not so much, hence big bucks will be spent on getting the base to the polls. Painting the recall effort as a right-wing, white supremacist initiative, led by Jesus freaks and corporate capitalists bent on deporting all the illegals, throwing all the homeless in jail, and strip mining the land for fossil fuels, this is only the beginning.

  2. Times has been a liberal “news” for over 100 years. Chandler tried to fool folk with disingenuous “endorsements” of GOP. The worst and last was their ’66 “endorsement” of Ronny. it was a. 1,500 word smear, hit piece! It started out (Not verbatim) “We endorse this dumb hillbilly because, though not smart; he can memorize his lines well”. This fooled Karl Marx (aka “Bush’s Brain” and resulted in “VooDoo Economisc” years later).

    I wrote my first of 3 letters to ehe editor on this .

    My opening remark was don how they said JFK was “openminded” because he was a friend of Sinatra. But they said it showed the “hillbilly” was a tool of the MAFIA.

    Chandler was an “American last” plutocrat and many SoCal folk understood the “news” was KGB propaganda; so circulation declined. The Trib which bought it is just as lib as the Times! Ownership changed; all else the same.

    I got so angry with their leftist “news” I canceled my subscription 38 years ago!

    But they did fool a lot of folk back 70 years ago with their bogus “endorsements”.

  3. I have some disdain for the moniker, “Civil Rights Movement” because the roots of that movement are socialist/communist in nature.
    However, there seems to be an awakening among some former liberal black Americans finally realizing “inalienable right” also pertain to them after all.
    This has inspired patriotic leanings many black Americans ironically never would have considered if not for the constant influx of illegals, the left’s attacks (defunding police depts., closing courts, etc.) on law and order and chronic crime – mostly self inflicted.
    Although Elders possibly becoming Governor of California would be a nice victory for conservatives in general, liberal black Americans are more likely to become conservative based on personal experience. In particular, no longer tolerating the left.

  4. @99th Squad Leader

    You are absolutely right.

    The left has never cared about black people, has shown nothing but disdain for them, and has revealed their own bigotry by treating them like children, unable to fend for or think for themselves, and need big government, like the plantations of old, to provide for them since they can’t do it for themselves.

    What is totally lost on the left is that black folks, like everyone else, want safe streets, they want the opportunity to prosper and thrive, to provide for their family, to work hard, pay taxes, and be part of the community.

    A conservative black man is the most dangerous threat to them, that is why the left is trying to replace them with illegals crossing the border, voters that know their place in the heirarchy.

  5. Thanks, Rich Taylor. Agreed. The left treat black people like pawns. Unfortunately, pawns also can be self destructive.
    It’s a good sign some black Americans are seeing the light and Biden’s evil policies may tip the scales in favor of conservatives. Praying it’s not too late.

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