FBI Raids Detroit City Hall in Corruption Probe – IOTW Report

FBI Raids Detroit City Hall in Corruption Probe

Agents also raided homes of Democratic city council members.

WFB: FBI agents on Wednesday raided Detroit’s city hall and the homes of city council members Janeé Ayers (D.) and Scott Benson (D.) as part of a corruption investigation.

The FBI agents executed warrants to search the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, which serves as Detroit’s city hall, and Ayers’s and Benson’s houses. While the investigation’s exact focus has not yet been released to the public, investigators have already brought corruption charges against Councilman André Spivey (D.).

“The citizens of Detroit have a right to a city government that’s free of corruption,” special agent Timothy Waters told reporters on the day of the raids. more here

SNIP: Ha! They may want to rename the municipal center, for a start.

23 Comments on FBI Raids Detroit City Hall in Corruption Probe

  1. If the Federal Bureau of Investigation wasn’t a corrupt subsidiary of deep state I would have more faith that this first onion layer would lead to the whole rotten Michigan Demonrat core.

    Guess time will tell bit it’s probably another head fake.

  2. OldCoot
    AUGUST 26, 2021 AT 12:04 PM
    “How bad does it have to be when one democrat organization raids another democrat orginization?”

    …they got in a dispute about graft. Maybe Pedo didn’t get his 10% vigorish. The FBI came to “explain” it to the small fry. Bribes will be paid, with interest. This will then quietly go away when no one’s looking.

    They do it all the time.

  3. GregMan
    AUGUST 26, 2021 AT 12:49 PM
    “What is left of Detroit to support corruption? It’s a dead, decaying husk of a city.”

    …they get TONS of state and federal taxes stolen from productive citizens nationwide, and they’re gonna get a HUGE cut of the imaginary money in the “infrastructure” bill, so don’t worry about THAT, this is probably just a dispute over kickbacks from things like that, again, Pedo gets his 10 or the Feds give you 20…


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