San Diego High School Students On International Field Trip Stranded In Afghanistan – IOTW Report

San Diego High School Students On International Field Trip Stranded In Afghanistan

Frontpage Mag

Yesterday, Biden announced that he would disregard pleas from the UK, France, and NATO allies, from members of his own party, and from Americans stranded in Afghanistan, and would obey the Taliban’s demand that he withdrawal all U.S. soldiers by August 31.

What does this mean for the families of San Diego high school students and parents stranded in Afghanistan?

At least 24 students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip abroad.


Update: Jen Psaki admits being unaware of this field trip or their plight. Here

26 Comments on San Diego High School Students On International Field Trip Stranded In Afghanistan

  1. What were these people thinking?
    You take your high school kids to places like NYC or Disney World for a senior trip…not the armpit of civilization!
    I have no sympathy for them.

  2. I’ve read in other reports that they were visiting family members in Afghanistan. I’ve also read a large chunk of the Americans that are stuck there have dual citizenship. But who knows?

  3. I hope they get out safely but I will never understand why people choose to go to dangerous places let alone bring children. Are these the same people demanding masks and vaccines for a virus that 99.7% survive? We have a dangerous disconnect on risk analysis these days.

  4. Sounds like child abuse. Who in a right mind would go there?? Learn from the mistakes of others because you’ll never survive long enough to make them all yourself if you don’t.

  5. @Brad
    slow joe and the ho are trying to blame President Trump in that he said the US would pull out by summer. Even though they f’d it up the news of his plan was out there even before the election last year.
    I truly believe they purposely f’d it up in order to blame President Trump. Yes, they are that evil and reckless.

  6. Well OK, granted that wasn’t a very smart thing to do, but they are American teachers, parents and kids. The problem I have is that our government agencies don’t have a friggin clue what’s going on! They have the ability to know where Americans are simply based on their Passports! Didn’t someone bother to look at the data base??? They should be able to account for every American there based on this!

  7. Let’s go on a class trip to the Middle east ‘they’ said. It’ll be a great time ‘they’ said. We’ll see wonderful sights ‘they’ said. We’ll get cultural enrichment ‘they’ said.

    Probably shouldn’t have listened to what ‘they’ said.

  8. While important to know of recent activities and developments, democrats and their corrupted accomplices are working very hard to use these scenarios to distract from the election fraud investigations and audits including clouding over their bogus scamdemic. Add that their dumb “bosoter shots” is part of their scheme to further dumb-down the gullible and okey-dokes of American society. The rest of us know better.


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