If anyone was wondering what Building Back Better was going to look like…. you’re f***ing seeing it – IOTW Report

If anyone was wondering what Building Back Better was going to look like…. you’re f***ing seeing it

I am using lots of f bombs lately.

That’s what usually happens when things are going great.

This is an open thread.


71 Comments on If anyone was wondering what Building Back Better was going to look like…. you’re f***ing seeing it

  1. I spent twenty minutes trying to write a column about this, but at this point, I’m just so filled with blind rage all I could write was a stream of curse words. So I stopped trying. All I want to hear from that cowardly old fucker is his resignation.

  2. Every bit of the Hell that America is going through right now can be blamed on Joe Biden and every damn fool that voted (and/or cheated) for him. None of this would be happening under President Trump. NONE of it.
    The current president is a traitor and needs to be replaced.

  3. When Biden showed up for his 6 minute speech the other day 6 hours late YouTube had under 10,000 watching and almost 5,000 dislikes. Now scrubbed to be 1,000. Biden didn’t win the election, everyone knows that. Now that his approval is heading to 30% it is time to release the audits and start working on removing this fraudulent admin. Removing Biden for Harris is only going to lead to more issues.

  4. I have been wanting to write about the COVID fraud and the complete Biden destruction of the Inited States, but like Dianny said, I am just so pissed off i don’t know where to start.

    We are waiting for the Canadian election next month. Mrs. RMM feels that if Trudeau takes advantage of that great Canadian company, Dominion, Canada is toast. We are seriously thinking of moving to the US. My son is planning on moving to Texas, and we were looking online at homes down there. Maybe once my son and his wife decide where they are going, we will start the procedure to get Mrs. RMM down there as well.

    Things are just so f’d up right now that it is unbelievable. My only hope is that the tyrants and their supporters do not have near the support as they think they do. They believe that Biden really won more votes than anyone in history while only winning 19.5% of the counties in the country. I think they are going to be shocked and in a world of hurt when the other 80.5% rise up in righteous indignation.

  5. The even more disturbing thing is, they’re not done with us. Life will no longer go on as we know it, prepare accordingly or get ran over. They want most of Americans dead.

  6. I’m sick of all of it, I’m sick of the damn terrorists and I include Biden, his puppetmasters, demoncrats, mask wearers, vaccine pushers, medical community, majority of Republicans in that box.

    I’m so tired of it all I’m just pissed at everything and that’s about all I can say.

    I’m ready for Jesus to come back and end all of this and these bastards to burn in hell for eternity.

  7. At the end of the day, they really don’t care. The ends justify the means. Sure they might talked like they are concerned here and there. They are not. They have a set goal and do not care what happens to you, me, my kids along the way. According to them i am a terrorist because I am a conservative, been married for 30 years, have 5 kids, and love God and my country. As sad as it is, it is a fact they don’t give a flip about you and your family. There are a handful of evil rich people moving us to total control. Never let a crisis go to waste, etc. They hate you, and everything you stand for. There is evil in there blood. Keep poking us in the chest, and you just might get that insurrection you like to talk about. They wont like it. They wont survive it. Pray things turn the corner. Things are creeping toward some really good men having to do really bad things.

  8. (and/or cheated) for him would include the establishment Republicans. To leave the bastards out and not give personalized and direct credit where credit is due is a monumental mistake. To say they are just as culpable is an understatement. This is the progressive movement’s debacle and I am not so naive as to believe it is their Waterloo, but what is and what should be so often diverge these days.

  9. Venting is not useful, praying is.

    Look, we all knew, both after Biden won and when we could not secure a single Senate seat in the Georgia runoff, we knew things were going to be bad. We knew Biden was not up to the task and some international crises would unfound. We knew they would destroy us from within, both at the border and with our economy.

    And it’s going to get a lot worse, prepare for it. I pray for understanding and for fortitude. Please God, give us strength.

  10. I usually don’t use profanity that much either, but Fuck this fucking fucktard not really running the show and the fuckfest his handlers have foisted upon us. On another note Trump’s weakest action was not nuking Wuhan when the Wu flu broke out. Why the Delta variant after no one who didn’t want the “vaccine hadn’t gotten it?

  11. It’s Joe. It’s Joe. No, it’s the commies. Aren’t folks supposed to refuse to do illegal things? Didn’t Nuremberg teach them anything? “Following orders” is no excuse; you are complicit. Trials and firing squads for them all.

  12. Remember that feeling you got when the second plane hit the Twin Towers?
    You’d better be having those same feelings again right now because it’s all coming back to hit us like a ton of bricks!
    Forget any of this so-called “Nation Building” with 7th century cave-men. That’s just bullshit and a futile money-pit. You cannot negotiate or reason with people who will blow themselves up just to kill you! That’s why it is better to fight terrorism abroad rather than here at home, but the Media doesn’t want us to remember that! Unfortunately however that will all be coming back here in spades thanks to Jackass Joe!

  13. The past few years have eroded my faith in all the institutions and documents that held the world together: land of the free, the Constitution, the one holy and apostolic church, the American dream, marriage licenses, diplomas, habeus corpus…

    The presidency and the papacy have been stolen, the national treasury and Peter’s pence have been raided, and now they are spilling the blood of patriots and trying to infect or inject mine with Chinese bat juice.

    I pray that people with nothing left to lose may yet win out over this evil and ineptitude.

  14. He didn’t get 80 million votes.
    But he did get some 65-70 million votes.
    And I HATE every single voter that did that to us.
    Those of us who pay attention knew it was going to be bad.
    But there’s no way we could expect THIS level of dumbshittery evil.
    I just keep flashing back to the start of that Mr. Magoo cartoon when I was a kid – all the destruction that follows the oblivious blithering idiot.

  15. The elected President is President Trump.
    This Usurping Piece of Fraudulent Shit is NOT the President – whether he realizes anything or not (probably not).
    But blaming Joey the Usurping Piece of Shit for ANYTHING is like blaming Peanut for Jeff Dunham’s act – or blaming Charlie McCarthy for Edgar Bergen’s act or Knucklehead Smiff for Paul Winchell’s act or … well, you get the picture.
    He’s a stooge. Remember the Star Trek Nazi dude? That’s Joey Biden.

    We need Organization. Communication. Command. Control. Armor. Artillery. Fire. Maneuver. Logistics. Not necessarily in that order.
    They are NOT going to leave you alone.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. The resignation of Biden, Harris, his Obama marxist handlers, all the incompetent Agency Directors and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is not enough ! What I once thought was incompetence, now appears all part of the plan, Marx, Cloward-Piven and other communist organizers.
    They all must be prosecuted for their crimes against the American people.

  17. What the hell are we BUILDING anyhow?

    Everyone is doped up on some drug they have been told they need in addition to vaccines, no one gives a damn. Zombies are everywhere, how do you get anything built when no one is capable of doing anything? FFS, I get so angry driving, not a single person is paying attention. Took my kid to the eye doctor, dr. asks if he’s on any medication. I say nope. His response, “really?” I say, “yes, really.” he says, “That’s rare.”

    I’ve come to the conclusion nothing gets done because no one is capable of doing anything. Joe might just be the perfect person to be president of the incapable. He can show us all how to not do anything and how to fuck everything up when you try. Rewarding failure and not doing a damn thing or caring about anything might be the way of the future. Certainly no one takes responsibility, Joe’s really good at that too.

    Yea, a bit of a tangent. I know there are still great people out there, but lately it doesn’t seem that way. Hell, I clamp up and am less productive myself when there’s no motivation coming from the top. Like, what’s the point? I’m a white racist domestic terrorist unvaxxed mass murderer with an opinion that spreads misinformation just because I don’t think EXACTLY like the democrats want me to. That’s supposed to make me want to do wonderful things for my country?

  18. I took a lot of heat in 2001 when I expressed my opinion that the entire nation has come together over the World Trade Center acts was nonsense. I have never trusted the progressive movement not to rat fuck America every time the opportunity arises and that is what you are seeing unfold this week.

  19. To vent, to relieve pressure, to allow circulation, as of air.

    Voting is a form of venting. Whether or not the candidates are handpicked by the overlords, voting allows a little reduction in pressure. Stealing the election was a very bad idea. The pressure now is building, with the debacle at the southern border, the debacle in Afghanistan, the debacle of the COVID scam, the debacle in supply chains, the debacle in employment, the debacle in the unemployment situation, the debacle of BLM, Antifa, CRT, the debacle of holding hundreds of people who mostly stood around the capitol building, and some who went in with the agents provocateurs being given a free pass throughout… there are more debacles this leftist government are foisting upon the people in the United States of America. The pressure is building rapidly, voting is no longer a method of relieving that pressure.

  20. I’m the son of a B17 tailgunner- I wasn’t taught to rant. Both sides of my family fought in the Revolutionary War. I don’t really rant. My metabolism slows in a crisis situation. I will wait, doing what I do, then I will rant.

    steady, be steady boys

  21. The Chinese take down of the Western World isn’t complete until the Dollar is no longer the World’s reserve currency and the United States military is neutralized. And how close are we to both of those?

    Everything else – the riots, the election, COVID, medical corruption, Internet censorship, Critical Race Theory, Afghanistan, etc. – is just part of the orchestration provided by the participating players: the global corporations and media who somehow think they’ll be a factor in China’s takeover of the World’s resources.

  22. Venting is good, taking action is better.

    In our next elections, we’re going to hear from a bunch of Republicans that are going to make the declarations and the promises that polling tells them we want to hear. Should the elections be administered in a manner such that we can win, we will not be in the deep shit we are now, we will be in deep shit with a different odor. With a few exceptions that I can count on one hand, the Republican party is not much different than the Democrats. They are in it for themselves. Those elected will promptly take on the task of serving themselves foremost. Their promises will be cast aside and we will let them do so the same as we have countless times before.

    Serving in government was never supposed to be a career. Now, it’s way beyond that. It’s a means to enrich oneself beyond anything most of us could even comprehend.

    “Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty to throw off such Government and to provide new Guards for their future Security.”
    —The U. S. Declaration of Independence, 1776.

    We do not have a representative form of government. That government is on the cusp of enslaving those without the education and intelligence to comprehend what’s happening and those of us that recognize what is going on are doomed to imprisonment or death. To think otherwise is to fool ourselves.

    Words are not going to accomplish throwing off the government we have and that is the only course of action that gives us some chance of survival.

  23. To me, the worst part of watching America devolve into a banana republic is that there are not enough We The People willing, or perhaps able, to hold TPTB accountable. I believe there is a small percentage of the population disgusted but doing nothing to free the political prisoners still being held without trial or bond for actions on 1/6. Unfortunately I believe there is a larger portion of the population that has no problem persecuting their political rivals. But the worst part is by far the large majority of the population does not even know or care about the shredding of the Constitution under their watch.

    Franklin said we were given a Democratic Republic if we could keep it. I apologize to Mr Franklin, and even more so to every patriot who ever died fighting for our freedoms, I’m sorry that under my/our watch, we let freedom slip away. We saw it happening and did nothing but bitch about it until it was too late.

  24. This is to all of those asshats (a spouse included) who so hated DJT that President Puddingbrain was acceptable, and still apparently feel that way–you morons need to separate your feelings for an individual and examine what that person who you hate accomplished–unless you are in love with the way the price of food and energy have spiked.
    Nixon was probably as hated by the electorate in ’72 as Trump was in 2020–yet in 1972 against McGovern, Nixon won 49 States and was REELECTED, only losing Massachussetts and DC. Back then, we had mature voters who were able to discern what qualities we needed in a President versus the emotion of “Nixon sucks” and “McG will get us out of ‘Nam on January 21, 1973”.
    We need to get that moron out of the WH and into an assisted living facility that will change his Depends and give him an ice cream cone while he watches reruns of “I Love Lucy”.

  25. ecp I’m with you. Also had to go to the doctor today because my husband has cancer, one of them wanted to tell me about the vaccines being safe when I asked if vaccinated people were donating blood, because they said on rare occasions those getting chemo have to have a blood transfusion. I wanted one of my kids to do that if it came to it, but they started throwing up roadblocks to that as well.

    I pretty much went off what I think about “vaccines” and blood from the vaccinated.
    Then after that visit I have to go to the store looking for hot tub supplies, that nobody has on the shelves now and some dumbass woman in her bejeweled dumbass mask tells me to order it off Amazon. I told her I hate Amazon and I hate ordering online and she proceeds to tell me this covid wasn’t going away so I better learn to love Amazon. So then I went off on her, this covid is bullshit, I’ve been all over the country and am just damn fine. She said her too, but she stays masked up to stay safe. I told her that was also bullshit, why the hell aren’t I dead then, because I sure as hell haven’t masked up. I think she got the picture that my fuse was lit and I was about to blow.

    Came home to avoid people because my temper is at the boiling point and I’m liable to hurt someone.

  26. ISIS K has taken credit for both blasts and have vowed to continue more.

    As stupid as Beijing Beiden is, his pResiduncy has long passed the incompetent excuse and is clearly intentional. Some may say that this is Oblowme’s third term, and to some degree it may be, but this and every other action Biteme has taken to date has CCP written all over it.

    We are at war with China and 75% of brain dead Americans have no fucking clue.

  27. MJA – ISIS, ISIS K and TollyBon are all there to one degree or another – of course, TollyBon being the dominant group. They all hate one another, but there is one overriding principle that all tribal civilizations adhere to:

    “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The Infidel USA is the unifying enemy for all of them

  28. Immortal Fish AUGUST 26, 2021 AT 4:34 PM

    Don’t want to sound like a dick or nothing, but ahh… says on your chart that you’re fucked up. You talk like a fag, and your shit’s all retarded.


    It’s effed that up I recognize lines from Idiocracy. Which is becoming more of a predictive documentary every day.

    One thing we must remember when we say they are effing things up and are a failure for it.

    Define failure with this administration.

    As far as they are concerned, the destruction of America is progressing just fine. They aren’t failing their objectives. All this is success to them.

    How many of us KNEW they have been wanting to destroy America for decades. I have. My liberal friends had the same words as I did back when Trump first ran, just the names were swapped – If Joe/Trump wins America will be destroyed. Absolutely mystifying. It’s like they’re in a trance all the time.

    I still can’t believe they don’t see the destruction being caused by the Dem party. I can only write that off to being brainwashed by only watching liberal media and believing every word of it no matter how stupid it is.

    My DiL got the jab in June due to work pressure. Now her whole family has been affected by her. And she doesn’t know it from her yet. So frustrating and so sad.

    If they are gone within two years, there goes my family’s whole future.

    I will then be a man with little left to lose.

    Anger should be channeled into certain action to rectify the situation. Don’t let it eat you up from the inside. That’s all it does when you’re the one holding it.

    Our Govt considers it’s citizens as enemies. They have lost the right to govern for this very reason. You don’t nuke or threaten your own people with armed forces and stay in power around here.

  29. Build Back Better. That’s a slogan as vague and useless as Hope and Change. What do we need to build back? How are we going to build it? And how are we going to make whatever it is better? Like “Hope and Change,” “Build Back Better” presumes that the government can do things better than the private sector. But government can’t do this.

    Let’s assume that today’s crop of politicians is no better than any previous crop of politicians. We have a small percentage of politicians that are interested in serving the country. We have a larger percentage of politicians that are interested only in serving themselves and doing favors for their donors and cronies, and a bunch of politicians that don’t know how to do anything.. We have a small percentage of politicians that are aware that they do not know everything, or even much of anything, and we have a much larger crop of politicians that are convinced they are the savior of the world. We have some very intelligent politicians, most seem of average intelligence, and many of them are dumber than stumps. Almost all of them have egos which are far greater than their abilities.

    Reasonably assuming that our current crop of politicians is, from a historical perspective, at best average and quite possibly below average in morals and intellect, let’s examine various economic and political systems. From an objective historical standpoint, communism has been an abject failure. From an objective historical standpoint, socialism has been an abject failure. In fact, you can safely say that from an objective historical standpoint, all totalitarian types of government have failed. These systems have no long term economic viability, and generally are responsible for widespread misery, poverty, subjugation and death. And there is absolutely no reason to believe that socialists like Bernie Sanders – who has three houses thanks to government “service” and has never been able to hold down a real job – can succeed with any of these systems. At least AOC can presumably mix a decent cocktail.

    If you believe the government can fix your personal problems and make you happy, you are a fool. Our nation was founded by a few extraordinary individuals who realized that in many, or even most instances government was the problem and never a solution. They designed a system where there were three branches of government which intentionally made the system unwieldly and cumbersome, and guaranteed necessary personal liberties to individual citizens. Leaving important matters largely up to private citizens was a terrible idea that resulted in a nation which was founded in the era of muskets, horses, no electricity, minimal indoor plumbing, slow communications, no railroads or other forms of convenient transportation, sailing vessels, ancient medical treatments, inadequate sanitation, etc. etc. transforming into the most advanced society in the history of mankind in about 250 years.

    One would think that even a progressive can look at this and realize that their idea of a centralized domineering government is a giant step backward and doomed to failure. The evidence is there – pick up a history book and compare the Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, Southeast Asia, China, and Venezuela to the United States or any other free nation. There is no comparison: our system worked, and totalitarian systems didn’t.

    So now we have a demented fool whose handlers believe can make things alright – he can “Build Back Better.” But even if Biden wasn’t a demented fool, he cannot Build Back Better – he’s a big government proponent and thus doomed to failure. But Biden is in cognitive decline, so tasks that even he should be able to do somewhat competently – such as a relatively orderly withdrawal from a war we should have gotten out of years ago – are beyond him. Hell, we have a President who can’t even read from a teleprompter or field questions from a press who are dying to provide him cover. Joseph Biden is proof that despite claims from modern day socialists that they can do it right, they can’t. I hope we can survive the Biden years with minimal damage.

  30. Stirrin, right.
    But I’m hearing from a person (who has served there) that the Haqqanis do the Towlie bans dirty work because they’re more sophisticated. You know, like the vaxxed people at 0bama’s bday party. lol.

    Also, didn’t the towlie ban just say yesterday that they were the new and improved taliban? Yeah, they’re taking economic courses at night and eating more salads now. lol
    FFS. What a world.

  31. MJA – All I know is that it has been reported on my local conservative radio station that ISIS K has claimed responsibility.

    “…Also, didn’t the towlie ban just say yesterday that they were the new and improved taliban?…”

    It’s called taqiyya.

  32. stirrin – I know, but if you remember, isis claims all the terrorist acts no matter who does it. lol. it’s bizarre.

    and the taliban is all over twitter and facebook with memes. They love it there because zuckerberg and jack do nothing about it.

  33. “Yeah
    and the taliban is all over twitter and facebook with memes. They love it there because zuckerberg and jack do nothing about it.”

    Scaring us is more valuable than letting truth play out on the internet un-harnessed.

  34. how long before apple and nike build manufacturing facilities in afghanistan?
    they can use the taliban for plant supervision, sort of like they to in china.
    afghanistan is going to get a new road or two now- leading right into china. It will be a one way road, too. Maybe they can call it ‘Leech Street’

  35. I was just looking at some tweets in reply to Kurt Schlichter. Some of them were saying that if you are critical of the way Biden is handling this mess, that means you wanted our military to remain in Afghanistan forever.

    It is as if that they are incapable of understanding that you don’t pull out the military until other Americans are out, and that we don’t leave billions of dollars of hardware there for the enemy to use. This didn’t need to be a Dunkirk; the incompetence of Biden’s handlers made this a Dunkirk. I don’t blame Biden as such. He probably needs help flushing the toilet.

    Meanwhile, Harris canceled a trip to California to campaign for Newson and was in conversation with the Secretary of Defence. Whether that means that they recognize that Newsome is toast or if Harris will soon be President is unclear.

    Biden said “the first person I was instructed to call on” at his press conference. Who is giving him instructions? Isn’t Biden supposed to be the President?

    People need to hang.

  36. This guy pisses me off so much, all i can do is thing of my favorite Praise song. . . .Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, that is Who You are. Even when i dont see if you’re working, You never stop working.

  37. Sounds much like the obama fraud-impostor’s “we built that” laughable self-congratulating empty-suit episode and that of his insurance-fraud-against-the-hospitalized-elderly wife.

  38. And who supplied the explosives? Think about it. I’ll wait.

    You don’t suppose it’s part of the goodies we walked away from do you? Yep, we bought and paid for the rope they’ll use to hang us and then climb the tree after they put the noose over our heads to assist them.

    Vent you say? Words don’t suffice…

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