Time’s up – IOTW Report

Time’s up

38 Comments on Time’s up

  1. There will be a big Hunter laptop data release within the next couple days as Democrats outside of Team Biden kick off the internecine battles that will decide how the spoils are to be divided up. The stuff they have been sitting on waiting for the opportune moment is being gone over by Pelosi and Schumer right now.

  2. Pretty much everyone in the government should be put before a citizen’s tribunal. Their actions are malfeasance at best, treason the more likely definition.

    We have a Joint Chiefs of Staff that is more interested in teaching Marxism to our next generation of military officers and corrupting the fighting forces than they are in defending the company. Right now, domestic enemies are a far bigger threat than are foreign.

  3. Grab your popcorn!

    Lyin, cheatin, losin democrats are about to start eating their own!

    If this is obama running his 3rd term by proxy thru susan rice & biden then he’s still a loser huh.

  4. Biden’s a symptom.
    Harris is another.
    The disease is much deeper.
    A major purgative is needed to save the country.

    Caligula proclaimed his horse a Senator. The Roman Senate approved.
    These fraudulent traitors have proclaimed a horse’s ass President. The American Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court approved.

    But you probably already knew that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Biden and his Obama staff must face the American people and answer for their incompetence/marxist plan for all that has transpired since January. Failure after failure. In 3 more years America won’t be recognizable.

  6. I have deliberately stayed out of this fray as it is directly affecting my mental health.

    This feckless, satanic coward has created these conditions on the ground and this brave blood is on his filthy hands.

    These wonderful Marines are dead and wounded because his crass stupidity and craven nature has us relying on a sworn enemy for our force protection and forced our personnel into direct contact with swarms of unvetted potential threats.

    Today is the day that shall live in infamy not because of a cowardly sneak attack but because our cowardly Traitor in Chief allowed it.

    This bastard will not resign, he has no shame. He needs to be removed immediately but that will not happen either because the demons will not relinquish their Senate Tie Breaker.

    Power is their only motivation, 500 thousand innocent beautiful babies are torn to pieces in the womb every year as they guard the abattoir, do you think 12 Marines mean anything to these devils?

    They are celebrating this event behind closed doors. They hate us and they hate America.

    I thought I would never say this in my lifetime but this country is deep peril of reaching the point of no return.

    Today is proof of that.

    I will be silent for awhile, I have to tune out or I will not be here to tune in.

    May the Lord God Almighty bless and keep you all.

  7. Make absolutely no mistake about it, to the followers of the progressive worldview what went down is not at all a disaster, what they are reacting to is that a progressive Administration is being recognized as responsible for it and rightfully so. If blame could be shifted they would be hunky dory with it.

  8. Man, it seems like yesterday that we were worried about vaccine passport checks at the state line. What a difference a week makes.

    Or is he going to ram that shit through EO to punish us for his dismal, felonious failure.

    Got to watch the desperate, wounded predator. It’s the most dangerous.

  9. My guess:

    1. Someone in the DOD is going down for this.
    Maybe not Austin (cuz he’s black).

    2. China and or Russia are going to pick up the abandoned Americans and deliver them to Turkey (or wherever) and biden will have to go get them.
    But it won’t happen right away.

    3. If biden gets thrown out, eventually Kammy will, too. Because Nancy wants to sit in that office, too. What’s the time limit on that, though? If I remember right- She can’t (pelosi) set her ass in oval office for the rest of biden’s term. There has to be a new election, no?

  10. How long did Jackass Joe give the Military to get out of Afgahnistan?
    2 Weeks, 3 weeks, 3 weeks?

    Well what if he had 14 weeks? Wouldn’t that be nice? Maybe those military boys would still be alive today! Well that’s how much time Jackass Joe had to execute a plan, already designed and in place, when he took office, AND keep to an agreement with the Tolibon! But this utterly dishonest, unpatriotic, greedy, vain, venal, vicious Piece Of Shit has sacrificed lives and our country’s credibility simply because he wouldn’t to anything the Trump had to do with!!
    This disgrace of a CIC needs to be court-martialed!

  11. When is this nightmare going to end? There’s no kraken, there are no oath keepers, the military is not coming to our rescue. Is it going to come down to everyday citizens taking up arms and fighting a woke military in the streets? Like it or not, that won’t end the way we want it to. Does anyone still have any hope that this is going to be fixed anytime soon? Does anyone still have hope that the rank and file military is going to rise up and to the right thing? Please, I need to know what the IOTW family is thinking right now.

  12. nco77- biden’s numbers are down. It’s up to us to keep them down.
    Troll your lefty family and friends. Put pressure on your local pols with letters and emails and calls. And then do the same to the federal ones.
    Look, we got to HERE because the left did it for years.
    We can do it, too.

  13. Well, the hits keep coming. I live in Illinois, and our dictator just announced full mask mandates go into effect on Monday. Masks must be worn in any public area. He also mandated that everyone who works in any school must be vaccinated, and all health care workers must get the shot. Anyone who doesn’t will have to be tested every week. There were so many lies in his press conference that no one could even keep track: “99% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated people. Masks have been proven effective. The unvaccinated are the reason we have to go back in semi-lockdown, and if we do go back full-bore, it will be all the fault of the greedy, stupid unvaccinated deplorables.” I feel like drinking a bottle of Jack tonight.

  14. CNN is acting like a trained seal or a ventriloquist’s dummy, as usual.

    CNN Headline: Biden braces for fallout as his dire warnings of a Kabul terror attack come true.

    See how they try to change a turd to a rose? Biden is the hero in all this, he tried to warn us but we didn’t listen. Shame on us for not listening to the great leader and hero Biden.

    He was napping when American servicemen were killed in a shithole that Trump tried to get us out with our honor intact.

    CNN is a total crock.

    Completely disgusting.

  15. It does not matter a whit on how much Biden’s morons & the media try to spin this debacle today. They fucking own it. No excuses, no it is all Trump’s fault, no it was the Afghan military’s fault. It is your fault Biden, you incompetent, pathetic fucking excuse for a president & man. My sister has more balls than you ever did. Resign now.


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