Australian Truckers Vow To Shut Down Highways To Protest COVID Lockdowns – IOTW Report

Australian Truckers Vow To Shut Down Highways To Protest COVID Lockdowns

Jesse Kelly Show:

By Bill Galluccio

A group of truck drivers from Australia are planning a major protest against the country’s strict coronavirus lockdown measures. According to the Daily Mail,m the truckers have vowed to shut down the highways across Australia next week and urged people to stock up on food and other groceries.

“It’s on. The truckies are doing it,” a truck driver said in a video on social media. “The truckies are going to shut down the country. What that means is you need to go shopping now, get what you can for the next week or two, load your fridge, freezers.”

After that video went viral, dozens of other truck drivers responded and offered their support to protest the restrictions.

“I am a truckie, and I am a very proud truckie. But Australia, if the truck tires stop rolling, Australia stops rolling,” vocal lockdown opponent Romeo Georges said in a video on Facebook. “Everything in your house, from your TVs, fridges, to the food you eat arrives to you from truck drivers” MORE

10 Comments on Australian Truckers Vow To Shut Down Highways To Protest COVID Lockdowns

  1. Things the government can do to counter:

    1. Cause horrible shortages in cities, blockade exits from the cities in the name of “public health”, and blame all subsequent misery on the truckers.

    2. Subsidize trucking companies to go with all robotic trucking.

  2. I went to Walmart to get some Hormel pigs feet tonight and the shelf was empty. So I went to Winco and they didn’t have any either. I’ll be a son of a bitch if the manager at Winco didn’t make a phone call to see what the hell is going on and said it is because Hormel is short staffed and can’t get employees to work for them and they are not able to produce them at this time.

    He said he just got back off vacation and I was the third customer looking for Hormel pig feet in the last two days.

  3. The truck drivers are one of, if not the most powerful groups in any western nation. If they get pissed off enough that most of them decide to go on strike, things will get really bad really fast and the government can’t do shit about it.

  4. Vaccination with mRNA experimental technology spreads the virus and makes it uncontainable.

    As Dr. Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Lauréate in Medicine says, “You see it in each country, it’s the same: the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”

  5. Australians are fairly tough peopl. Their ancestors were all criminals. It’s in their DNA.

    The Mule said: 2. Subsidize trucking companies to go with all robotic trucking.

    Easy enough to sabotage major freeways, and sabotage the trucks as well. Saboteurs will find clever ways to throw a wrench in their plans.


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