U.S. Congressional Members Lining Up to Demand Biden’s Immediate Resignation or Face Impeachment – IOTW Report

U.S. Congressional Members Lining Up to Demand Biden’s Immediate Resignation or Face Impeachment

Becker News:

United States senators are now lining up to demand that President Biden resign immediately or face growing demands for impeachment over his disgraceful mishanding of the Afghanistan military withdrawal. Biden’s disastrous decision has cost the lives of at least 12 U.S. servicemembers in multiple explosions near Kabul airport.

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has called for President Biden’s resignation.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn@MarshaBlackburn

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and General Milley should all resign or face impeachment and removal from office.

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley has also called for President Biden to immediately resign. more

29 Comments on U.S. Congressional Members Lining Up to Demand Biden’s Immediate Resignation or Face Impeachment

  1. It was deliberate and not ‘mishandled’ to purposefully funnel money to big corporations since they know full-well that any war is highly profitable on all sides and work jointly to achieve their ends.

  2. I don’t expect anything to come of this.

    I would accept Pelosi as president if those listed were put on trial, convicted and executed. That’s not going to happen either.

    While driving to the eye doctor yesterday morning I had Beck’s show on the radio. I caught it mid-segment but he was speaking with someone on the ground in Afghanistan that I assume was part of Beck’s operation to get Christian’s out of the country.

    I don’t have words for what is going on there. When you hear that fathers are shooting dead their daughters to keep them from falling into the hands of the Taliban, when you hear of the bodies of babies caught up in concertina wire fencing where mothers attempted to get their newborns to safety on the other side and you factor in that all that and more is happening because the people running our nation have created this situation, well, I get start expressing my desires for public executions.

  3. Marsha Blackburn voted to install him and refused to contest the illegitimate election. So this blood is on her hands as well. She should resign as well. Every single one of them who voted to install him should resign and I don’t want to hear shit from them now.

  4. After We hand Them big pallets of Cash for the Hostages (9-1-21)

    We will officially be the largest Sponsor of Terrorism on the Planet.

    How is the having the entire World on Fire, doing anything to stop

    “Global Warming” ?

    The Taliban have more Blackhawk Helicopters than Australia.

  5. They were drafting a sternly worded letter, but Democrats won’t let them send it to Pedo and they don’t want to offend jihadist murderers of American soldiers, so it went back to committee for redrafting.

    Should be ready after next year’s elections.

  6. Word of advice – do not hold your breath waiting for anything to happen. Biden’s “retirement” was already in the works even before the day the election was stolen. His handlers were just waiting to see how much crap they could pile up before the American sheeple realized their mistake.

  7. Every Republican who refused to stop the steal is as responsible for everything happening now along with Biden and Dirty Dems.
    They wanted to oust Trump and now they bear responsibility for the deaths, the botched Afghan withdrawal, the inflation, the crooked judiciary…all of it.
    They don’t have the spine to do what’s right or they would have on Jan 6. That was the real insurrection when they installed a fake, unelected puppet.

  8. “… before the American sheeple realized their mistake.”

    The American sheeple didn’t make a “mistake” – the election was fraudulent – stolen – a treasonous coup – huge difference.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Reinstate PDJT. The only solution is to reinstate President Trump. We cannot afford to impeach Biden because then we’ll have Harris. Audit all 50 now and put Trump back in office.

  10. Who will he be replaced with? Kameltoe isn’t qualified, they don’t want her. Dims know they’re screwed in 2022. They will lose all their power. Piglosi will go bye-bye. I guess I’m wishful thinking here, but maybe we’ve got some blue skies ahead. Things seems to be unraveling for the left. Their fake pandemic is falling apart, their vaccines have been exposed, Grusesome Newsome is being shown the door (Larry Elder will be the next Governor of CA). Cuomo has resigned, so 2 Dim superstars have been leveled. I can rejoice about that. Dims are scared $hitless in California!

  11. If you are feeling hopeless, pray to our mighty God for his help in His way.
    I truly believe that He is in charge, and in His good time all will be made right.

    So many people paid no attention to the powerful who ruled them. They may have voted, but they voted based on the lies of the msm. Those people needed to experience the evil to recognize it.

    More miracles are wrought by prayer than we will ever understand.


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