Harvard Appoints Atheist Chief Chaplin – IOTW Report

Harvard Appoints Atheist Chief Chaplin

Daily Signal

Harvard University has selected a man who does not believe in God to be the school’s chief chaplain.

Chief Chaplain Greg Epstein is the author of “Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe.” He also serves as Harvard’s humanist chaplain, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s humanist chaplain, and as convener for ethical life at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Office of Religious, Spiritual, and Ethical Life.

“We don’t look to a god for answers,” 44-year-old Epstein told The New York Times. “We are each other’s answers.” More

14 Comments on Harvard Appoints Atheist Chief Chaplin

  1. “We don’t look to a god for answers,” 44-year-old Epstein told The New York Times. “We are each other’s answers.”

    Well there’s ya’ 31 flavors of bullshit, for $75,000 a semester. 🙄

  2. How’s that “we are each other’s answers” working out for ya? Here’s a hint – it’s not. We have a President that isn’t the answer to anything because he’s a senile moron. Same with the Speaker of the House. And let’s not forget that boys will be girls and girls will be boys in this crazy mixed up world depending on the time of day.

    And I’m damn sure you don’t want me to be the answer to anything – I don’t even know the question most of the time.

  3. I can’t even begin to imagine how the founders of Harvard would view this. Per Wikipedia: “Harvard was founded in anticipation of the need for training clergy for the new commonwealth, a “church in the wilderness”.

  4. Troopa, I thought Agie-Nostics thought of
    the possibility of God but where not sure?
    That is better than absolute belief that
    there is no God,no?
    At any rate thank The Good Lord & Jesus for my
    belly filling sub from Jersey Mikes & my Blue
    Moon Wheat Ale……..

  5. Anon, I think you meant agnostic as opposed to gnostic. Gnostics are very spiritual in nature but just believe in a different definition of God than other sects.

  6. Isn’t the point of the modern progressive world to do away with superstition (like God) and replace with self-love?

    This doesn’t surprise me because most highly organized religion replaces God with man in rituals and “faith practices” as necessary to get to God. Think of the highly ritualized Anglican church who has ended up in England without God being necessary any more. Or a few others I won’t start a war over.

    Most of these churches have a God that isn’t really doing anything anymore. God is obsolete.

  7. A Godless nihilistic chaplain for a Godless nihilistic community.
    Seems apropos.

    Each of these pukes is his own god – in and of himself.
    The wellspring from whence came Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Xi, Hoxha, Castro, Ortega, Obola, Clinton, Pelosi, Mugabe, Chavez, Maduro, &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. In the past, Harvard was associated with the exceptionally intelligent and ethical. Now it is entirely the opposite.

    Hat tip to Liarwatha for her role in destroying their credibility.


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