Mmmmmmm – IOTW Report


23 Comments on Mmmmmmm

  1. Ummm….no. Just. No. I’ll have my maple and blueberries separate, please.

  2. “Sweet and meat DO NOT go together,”

    They certainly do.

    You must not be aware of how much sugar is in ketchup & barbecue sauce.

    Even onions can contribute to the sweetness of a hamburger.

    Now that I’ve seen this. I’ll have to try it myself. At least once.

  3. And you can stack’em and use pancakes with syrup.

    Or pull an Elvis and put peanut butter ‘n bananas on them with white bread.

    Now we’re really barfing!t

  4. Why does Publix put fake meat crap in display cases alternating with real sausages and burgers?
    I don’t want to have the fake meat contaminating real meat.

  5. Stockboy: Hey boss, the blueberries are going bad.
    Manager: Maybe we can sort out the good ones.
    Stockboy 2: Hey boss, the maple syrup is getting sugary.
    Manager: Crap! Try heating it up to dissolve the sugar.
    Butcher: Hey boss, these ribeyes have reached their end date.
    Manager: Hey, I got an idea….

  6. I’m thinking the flavor profile is not what I’m looking to enjoy, I like the meat flavored meat with seasoning not sweetened.
    I love me some grilled onions, but maple and blueberries might work in a pork product not a beef pattie.

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