College Students In Hawaii Tested On Which Bathroom To Use By “Gender Unicorn” – IOTW Report

College Students In Hawaii Tested On Which Bathroom To Use By “Gender Unicorn”

Campus Reform

Students attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s housing orientation learned from “The Gender Unicorn” how to use their preferred restrooms. 

Furthermore, the orientation required students to work through the presentation and take a quiz to prove they read the content. More

15 Comments on College Students In Hawaii Tested On Which Bathroom To Use By “Gender Unicorn”

  1. Big Dick AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 8:44 PM

    Students. Drop out and enroll at a trade school. You’ll have a better financial life and be happier.

    And be more useful to yourself and the rest of the world.

  2. @ Big Dick & Dadof4

    You are correct that you will be more useful & make some good bucks, BUT remember that no matter how much “they” say that they respect you, you will always be considered LESS educated.

    I take it as a compliment, but they still consider you a step below. You may have a better chance if you own your own business but at the end of the day you get dirty, sweat, and are just a roofer, furnace guy, electrician etc.

    No matter what my finances are, I’m the guy who they refer to as “He knows how to fix things.” I get a smile or grin and they go back to champagne flute with a smirk.

    Just lettin y’all know what it like from my seats.

    Love & respect,


  3. Quite so, Rick. I was “the telephone man”, not even capitalized.

    No one even knew my name except my fellow below-stairs dwellers, and my boss and his boss.

    Not that I’m lamenting.

    I preferred to not have much to do with Editorial Staff, although I can say dealing with some of Engineering Staff was quite a task… but never a task with the Buildings Engineers. Otts and his crew were true gentlemen. Except for one time Otts had to “curse” the Broadcast Engineers for some indiscretion on the roof concerning a satellite dish installation. Otts saw a problem of high importance and looked me in the eye without speaking said, “I can’t avoid this, Mac.”

    I looked him in the eye, and without speaking said, “I’m not a Broadcast Engineer.” He grinned and began his heated harangue.

  4. Uncle Al ʘ AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 8:31 PM

    My preference would be #4 Buck coming from my ten gauge. Set aside a number of cases of the stuff. Story for another time perhaps.

  5. It shouldn’t be as hard as it is, but pride, real pride in your work, your life choices, etc. shouldn’t depend upon the opinions of those who are not friends, family or loved ones.

  6. @Anymouse AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 11:18 PM: “My preference would be #4 Buck coming from my ten gauge.”

    Great choice for close-ish work. Slugs have a longer reach, and the added benefit of not getting you splattered with unicorn guts! (-;

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