Byrd is not fit for duty – IOTW Report

Byrd is not fit for duty

PJ Media-

We now know what has long been an open secret, that it was Lt. Michael Byrd of the U.S. Capitol Police who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6. In his interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Byrd was inconsistent in his grasp of the facts, self-contradictory, and ill-informed on the law governing police use of force. If this is how he performed under Holt’s gentle questioning, it’s easy to speculate on how he would hold up under cross-examination by a competent and even mildly aggressive attorney, and I am more confident than ever that the government will settle with Babbitt’s family rather than risk a trial featuring Byrd as the key witness.

Byrd also claimed he was shouting at Babbitt to stop and get back before firing, shouting so loudly, in fact, that his “throat was hurting for a few days afterward.” There is no evidence of any such shouting in the video, though it’s possible it was drowned out by shouts from the rioters. Presumably, there is security video from within the Speaker’s Lobby that captured Byrd’s warnings, if they in fact occurred.

Finally, we come to Byrd’s explanation for the shooting itself. “What made you pull the trigger?” Holt asks. “Last resort,” Byrd replies. “I tried to wait as long as I could . . . but their failure to comply required me to take the appropriate action . . .”

Then comes the portion of the interview that surely had government lawyers gasping in horror. “Because the call of shots fired had went out,” Byrd says, “you know, it was later I found out that the subject did not have a weapon, but there was no way to know that at that time. And I could not fully see her hands or what was in the backpack or what the intentions of. But they had shown violence leading up to that point.”

Byrd thus makes the remarkable admission that he heard vague reports that unknown and undescribed individuals in a large crowd had behaved violently, and that he relied on those reports in deciding to fire on a slightly built woman who was neither armed nor holding anything he might reasonably have mistaken for a weapon.


26 Comments on Byrd is not fit for duty

  1. “…ill-informed on the law governing police use of force.”

    Deadly force is authorized if Mike Pence tells you to murder someone in cold blood to make an example for the rest of the peasants right after he facilitated the stealing of an election that directly destroyed the United States of America.


  2. In an administration full of rejects from the Island of Misfit Toys this color-qualified, murdering asshole fits right in!

    Hey Jackass Joe! May the Byrd of misfortune fly up yer… nose!

  3. “I could not see the full motion of her hands or anything.”

    Means, Intent, Opportunity. All three are needed for a justified shoot.

    And that, “or anything” sure hangs strange in that sentence.

  4. Sippin’ Coffee
    AUGUST 30, 2021 AT 9:17 AM

    I Sippin’ Coffee
    AUGUST 30, 2021 AT 9:17 AM

    “I didn’t find it in my copy of the constitution either. Must be in the footnotes…

    …it’s in the eminations from the penumbra, where the Founders put ALL the liberal nation-stealing, baby-murdering, Baal-sacrificing stuff, evidently…

    “specific guarantees in the bill of rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance.”
    -A Communist, “Griswold v. Connecticut”

    …funny how EVERYTHING that liberals do to serve satan is always a sidestep from the written law, otherwise known as “Complete Bullshit”

  5. There’s a pattern, Ashli Babbitt murdered, Randy weaver’s, wife and son murdered, Lavoy Finicum murdered and Waco where 85 Innocent Men, Women and Children were Murdered.
    All by agents of the federal government and NOT ONE were ever prosecuted.
    But, that’s not tyranny ! <s

    The elite and those who are hired to protect them are exempt from the laws that govern citizens. Commonly called the two tiered Judicial System.

  6. That cop is a spittn image of MLK. Nothing is going to happen to this murderer. Another reason why I have no respect for this type of “authority.” They are dangerous people with a license to kill.

  7. Everyone the democrats present as a hero, Byrd, Vindman, those sobbing Capitol cops, etc. is, in fact, and absolute fucking cunt to the n-th degree… Every fucking one of them.

    You can always tell a real hero these days, because they lose their jobs at light speed.

  8. Next time a white cop shoots and kills a BLM piece of shit, he can say he merely used the “Black Byrd Manuever.” Everyone will calm down, walk away, and not burn and loot their city! 🥳

  9. “you know, it was later I found out that the subject did not have a weapon, but there was no way to know that at that time.”

    So, what, you have to be able to PROVE you’re not armed to avoid getting shot by the police? Interesting Rules of Engagement there.

  10. Byrdbrain is a Deep State tool. Obviously not a sharp tool. This interview will give the Bobbitt family all the evidence needed to sue this Demwit assassin up the wazoo.

  11. He is full of Bryd Shit.

    Didn’t see a weapon, outweighed her by at least 100 lbs., other agents in his background were not guns out from the images I saw.

    Glorified, overpaid security guard.

  12. “…. will settle with Babbitt’s family rather than risk a trial featuring Byrd as the key witness.”

    Oh no you don’t. Bring this asshole to court in a very public venue. These people NEED to be roasted a little while before they are sent to Hell.

  13. She couldnt show her hands just before you shot her because she was using them to wedge her body thru the narrow window of the door, you lying. murdering bastard.

    At the moment you shot her, she couldnt have harmed a new born sparrow. And its all on video


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