“There Is No Good Taliban” – IOTW Report

“There Is No Good Taliban”

There Is No ‘Good’ Taliban.

10 Comments on “There Is No Good Taliban”

  1. This from the same people who smeared and slandered Trump with the “fine people” lie for a year and a half. They are brazen, ethically situational liars who will say whatever they think will work in the moment and then say the exact opposite in the next moment, expecting none of us to remember and expecting their media to ignore the pivot.

  2. Guy I work with was in Afghanistan with the military shortly after the towers fell and I asked him about the Talis. He told me recruiting goes something like this:

    1) Taliban enter village.
    2) Taliban round up military age males.
    3) Taliban tells military age males they are now Taliban, and asks if anyone objects.
    4) Taliban shoots the first person that objects.
    5) Taliban asks if anyone else objects. For some reason, they don’t.
    6) Military age males leave with Taliban, taken for indoctrination and never allowed to return.

    Given that they are already corrupted by Islam, it’s not a surprising outcome. Tough to break the habits of people who have lived the same way for 1300 years.

    It can be done, though. There are Christians even there. Not saying a Taliban mass shouldn’t be treated as an enemy army. Just saying that individual Taliban may be in it against their will and honestly not know anything better, or even different, and had the word of Christ not been supressed even in our own military for the 20 years we were there, some may have been salvageable and Afghanistan would have been a very different country today…

  3. A proper understanding of the enemy is necessary. The enemy viewpoint is critical to understanding his motivation and his action. No enemy is, by definition, good. A reasonable understanding of the fundamentals of the moslem creed reveals all adherents to those fundamentals as enemies. The question then is, how to dispose of the enemy.

  4. There is no good “progressive.” To concede good intentions to them is unwarranted and inconsistent with the documented history of the documented increases in innocent human suffering, misery and death that results without fail whenever they have been able to put their theories into practice.

    If anyone takes issue with what I have posted as an absolute, I would be happy to entertain your apologetic, but only so long as it is in context of documented examples wherein the lives of any population touched by progressive theories have ultimately been improved. W/o that prerequisite being met, I’m not interested.

  5. It’s time to revise General Phil Sheridan’s statement of, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” to “The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.” BTW, also Sheridan Elementary School also was kicked to the ground and renamed this year after being in SE Spokane for nearly the last 100 years but Wilson Elementary is still there. Idiots, next Sherman Avenue the main street thru downtown Coeur d’Alene, Idaho will be renamed because of a small group of offended pissants who doesn’t like it being named after William Tecumseh Sherman.


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