When will the media stop this transgender madness? Headlines are ABSURD! – IOTW Report

When will the media stop this transgender madness? Headlines are ABSURD!

The Mirror-

Transgender girl tried to cut off penis aged 3 and now wears skirt to school.

A mum has revealed how her three-year-old trans daughter tried to cut off her penis in a desperate attempt to be her “true self”.

Jess, 25, recalled: “I was in the kitchen making dinner, with my back to Logan’s bedroom door. She was chattering away to her dolls but suddenly went silent.

“I shouted her name and got no response, so seconds later I went into her room and caught her sitting on the bed with her trousers down, holding a pair of scissors to her bits.

“I gasped loudly, which made her jump, and quickly took the scissors off her.

“Afterwards I explained that cutting herself would really hurt and that because she wanted to do something so drastic, we would have to talk to a doctor.

“That day made me realise the severity of the situation. It wasn’t just a phase; my little boy really did want to be a girl.”


“Girl” tried to cut her penis off.

And then, the BOY wears a stereotypical “girl’s hair” wig to “feel like a girl.”

Meanwhile, stores are doing away with boys and girls sections (because that is caveman thinking and not “woke”) to kowtow to the very people whose boys do the caveman thing in order to be “a girl.”

Why does he want to cut off his penis to be like a girl? Girls have penises, dontcha know?

There is no time to unravel the logic of assholes, because there is no logic.

21 Comments on When will the media stop this transgender madness? Headlines are ABSURD!

  1. “…..a phase; my little boy really did want to be a girl.”

    NO you stupid bint, your son is mentally ill and the Demons you allow him to be around and the ones you associate with are egging him on.

  2. There can be no such thing as “child abuse” when Leftist perverts are in charge!
    When the torches and pitch forks finally come out, take a moment to toss a nuther pervert on the barbie!

  3. What the hell?

    I don’t have daughters, only sons. At three years old, I’m not sure they knew that girls were much different from boys (different clothing, or toy habits) — or, more importantly — even CARED.

  4. Had a conversation with a person who claimed to be trans…said it believed in God and I should talk to God about trans…going by it’s name, it was a male to female mental illness. I told the poster to read the bible to understand what God said about mental illness…


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