Rabbit has more combat sense than our military leaders – IOTW Report

Rabbit has more combat sense than our military leaders

Watch the technique the rabbit uses to lose the pursuing dog. The idea is to put your scent out there, double back and wait to be passed.

ht/ all too much

11 Comments on Rabbit has more combat sense than our military leaders

  1. That is funny – and smart!
    Most of the buns I see around here I don’t notice until they suddenly move when I get too close. Then they stay still. Doesn’t seem the best recourse for survival. They have mostly been pretty small, so their likely survival tactic is to procreate like rabbits. 🙂

  2. That’s how my grandpa lost his right thumb. Way back in the 1890’s he was hunting rabbits and he jumped one. He shot at it but missed. While the dogs chased it he decided to reload that barrel of his muzzle loader and wait. As he was tamping the load the hammer of the other barrel released and that barrel went off. His thumb was over that barrel and the blast blew it clean off. It also blew off the rim of his straw hat, and the flash burned his face. He survived, but the doctor had to saw off the bone stub without anesthesia.


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