California Governor Gavin Newsom Shares His Closing Message: You will Die of COVID if I’m Recalled – IOTW Report

California Governor Gavin Newsom Shares His Closing Message: You will Die of COVID if I’m Recalled

CTH: The latest round of national media pandemic messaging is targeted and intentional.  The objective is fear… and the scale of the narrative pushed by the national media toward that effort is large.  Conversely, the same media objective is to Alinsky those who would be a visible push-back against COVID fear, and that is why Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is being targeted.

In the background of this effort is the California recall of Gavin Newsom.  The governor and national allied media are working together to weaponize the fear of COVID as a closing message against the recall effort.  Newsom’s latest commercials [SEE HERE] spotlight his advocacy for forced vaccinations and forced masking policy.

The direct message is, ‘if I am recalled you will all die from COVID, but if you keep me in office I will protect you’.  The message reeks of desperation.

We can expect the nationally promoted panic around COVID to increase exponentially over the next 10 days, and then lessen significantly immediately following the September 14th recall vote.   It is critical for the effort of Governor Newsom that national fear over COVID is maintained. more here

15 Comments on California Governor Gavin Newsom Shares His Closing Message: You will Die of COVID if I’m Recalled

  1. That’s no over exaggeration of his radio adds. And his opponents are all Trump loving, January 6th capital raiding Proud Boy conspiracy theorist whack job, climate denying, Anti Vax, Anti mask, homophobic racists. Especially that Larry guy. I had to laugh the first couple times I heard them. He forgot to add we beat puppies.

  2. Reminds me of a scummy preacher we had here in Cleveland a number of years ago. Rex Humbard towards the end of his TV ministry was getting desperate and would point to the camera and yell “YOUR TV WILL GO BLACK IF YOU DON”T CONTRIBUTE TO MY MINISTRY!”
    Well, I guess his time slot went black, but no one’s TV did!

  3. And Newsone is a piker when compared to the Aussie gubmint. Regardless, even is another dem replaces him, at least it will not be Gavin!! Though based on history, he could always come back (see Jerry Brown). If I didn’t have to go through Cali (or worse Seattle) when travelling west, I would wish the big one would hit

  4. I am a Cal Xpat, living out of the country.
    My stateside address received a unasked for recall ballot addressed to me.
    In the address panel, after my name,
    was listed.
    Most secure election ever ………………………

  5. So just how is he going to personally infect every Californian with COVID if he’s not reelected and removed from his office as Governor of California. All he has is fear and his goose is cooked because most good people hate his guts and want to get rid of this POS. Go Larry Elder go, I believe you will be the next governor of California, my moneys on you.

  6. You know what’s funny about his threats with the Covid is all except two counties north of Sacramento County don’t follow his dumb ass mandates anyway. And guess where all the infected live? LA County. It’s
    all those damn illegals filling up the hospitals down there. You can verify that through several sources.


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