“Am I going to die here?” – 25 year old pregnant American left stranded in #Afghanistan by Joe Biden – IOTW Report

“Am I going to die here?” – 25 year old pregnant American left stranded in #Afghanistan by Joe Biden

ht/ c. steven tucker

13 Comments on “Am I going to die here?” – 25 year old pregnant American left stranded in #Afghanistan by Joe Biden

  1. “Am I going to die here?”

    Yep. Probably very painfully. And after being raped multiple times, of course.

    Maybe they’ll cut your baby out and mutilate it’s living body in front of you and then cast the pieces back into your torn-open womb, leaving you to painfully bleed to death while feeling the still-twutching corpse of your rudely C-sectioned infant.

    Because that’s how Muslims roll. The Talis in particular, they like to rule by fear.

    But no worries. People who do that, and worse, are being brought HERE. You’re just ahead of the curve. Many will die but we’ll never hear about it as it will be considered racist or something to report it, and it will be subsumed in the latest COVID lies so they can maintain and tighten control anyway, so your fate ultimately wouldn’t be much different here, just delayed a bit.

    Thanks, Democrats.


  2. Her best chance now is to wait for the government to investigate her local McDonald’s ice cream machine and perhaps get out with them when they’re through.

  3. I’ll go way out on a limb here and hazard a wild guess that this American citizen is not voting for another Dementiacrat in Obiden’s Afghanistan during the years she’s wearing a burka.

  4. Does anyone here think she’s learned her lesson? She married an Afgannie, she’s gotta do what her husband says, and what the Taliban tells them to do. Since thousands are moving out of California, and you decided to go to Afghanistan to get married, stay where you’re at…once you leave you can’t come back….kinda like living in Hotel California.

  5. Dadof4: You’re right. She probably already voted to retain Governor Newsom three or four times before deciding to visit her husbands relatives in Obiden’s Afghanistan. I’ll bet he’s working the phones to get her back in time for some airtime.

  6. At the gym this morning both Comcast and Viacom said jo did, “A wonderful job getting all Americans out!”!
    to this Americans First guy, they beg the question – “Are Comcast and Viacom FAKE NEWS?”!

  7. Wow Afghanistan is just really not like California.
    This is really crazy and just not fair.
    Do they not have in n out burgers there?! How can that be?
    What on Earth did she think might happen.

    Darwin Award candidate

    But I’m sure AOC and alysa Milano and all the other dumb feminists will be over there soon to save her bacon bc wymyn can do anything that men can.


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