Newsom White Knights Himself In Front of Gullible and Stupid Women – “Women are smarter in politics!” – IOTW Report

Newsom White Knights Himself In Front of Gullible and Stupid Women – “Women are smarter in politics!”

“Women are smarter in politics, smarter in civics, they’re smarter in economics. Women rule.” – Gov Dippity Do

Then why are you in politics, Newsom? You’re taking the spot of someone more qualified.

Yet, the women whoop it up when he makes the patently ridiculous claim, not realizing he is saying he is not the best choice for the job he is fighting tooth and nail to keep.

11 Comments on Newsom White Knights Himself In Front of Gullible and Stupid Women – “Women are smarter in politics!”

  1. We had an excellent example of where this particular brand of idiocy leads with age Florida Pedestrian Woke Bridge collapse. It is time the entire progressive movement is recognized for being the plague on humanity that it obviously represents and is dealt with accordingly.

  2. We got a mailer saying that if you vote for the recall you’ll lose your retirement.
    I made a large donation to Elder but that ad he made just makes him look like another angry black man. Who thought that was a good idea?

  3. In my 30’s, I signed up for a SCUBA course. There were about eight men and a couple of women. The instructor informed us on day one that women make better divers. The next year, in the first day of ground school, the instructor made a similar claim, that women make better pilots. I think there was one woman in a class of appx. eight. A couple decades later, in the opening minutes of my Concealed Carry permit class, around six men and one woman, instructor then stated, as scientific fact, that women make better shooters.

    Straight up gratituitous virtue signalling. Unnecessary as hell, all in attendance each time were adults just trying to learn something new. There was no cockiness displayed by the men at any time re superiority.

    I despise ass lickers.

  4. Newscum will say anything for a vote. Governor Elder, is what I ‘m praying for. When I recently met Larry Elder, I asked him to save California for my children and Grandchildren.


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