‘Now that my unemployment is up I’m ready to come back’: End of $300 boost may help NYC eateries – IOTW Report

‘Now that my unemployment is up I’m ready to come back’: End of $300 boost may help NYC eateries


Restaurateurs are hopeful that the end of enhanced COVID-19 unemployment benefits on Monday will push New Yorkers to get back to work.

New York City restaurant owners getting burned by a shortage of workers during the pandemic told The Post they anticipate that people will start re-applying for open positions now that they can no longer reap the weekly $300 boost from the federal government.

Jeremy Wladis, president of The Restaurant Group, said he’s already heard from a former staffer at one of his Washington, DC eateries, who called to say, “Now that my unemployment is up I’m ready to come back.”

Wladis, who runs Good Enough To Eat, Harvest Kitchen and Hachi Machi in Manhattan, said finding workers has been “crazy difficult,” though he noted his going rate for servers is between $30 and $40 an hour.

“Why am I having a hard time finding people to work and there’s so many people collecting unemployment?,” he asked.

“Logically, it makes sense that once unemployment benefits stop more people will apply for jobs,” said Stephen Starr, who owns nine Manhattan eateries including pan-Asian Chelsea restaurant Buddakan.

Starr is scheduled to reopen a host of eateries he closed during the depths of the pandemic, including The Clocktower on Madison Square Park, next month — but hasn’t been able to find enough staff.

“There’s restaurants we closed that we need to reopen in October but we’re having real difficulties getting people,” he said. “We’re feeling this shortage on all levels from dishwasher to general manager.” read more

15 Comments on ‘Now that my unemployment is up I’m ready to come back’: End of $300 boost may help NYC eateries

  1. Did you ever notice that feral cats are always thin and agile, while spoiled house cats are often fat and lazy?
    I wonder if there is a relationship between over abundance of free stuff and obesity and laziness?

  2. They should have sent a lot more a week to us for shutting down our jobs and businesses. Or at least take OUR MONEY that went to gender studies in Pakistan and give it back to us. Remember people, in the end, we don’t need their permission to take back what is rightfully ours. Just do it by voting nicely in the right people at the ballot box! Hey. You do you and I’ll do me. It’s all good!

  3. Overheard from two White Claw sipping *soy-boys back in June. “If we stay out of work long enough they’ll have to pay us $20 an hour to come back, we got ’em on the ropes now.”

    *One had a man-bun of course.

  4. When those assholes decide to come back to work, the Restaurateur should tell them “sure, but now that people are lined up around the block looking for work, the wage has been cut to $7.50 per hour; supply and demand, dipshit.”

  5. Since businesses went along with the program and shut down over the “authorities” threatening them, IMHO, they turned their backs on the public. I don’t care if they ever open up again, I’ve got my list and they aren’t on it. Good thing I like to cook, and I know where my hands have been. One more thing, the restaurants that opened for “government elites,” to dine and not wear a mask, tells me, whose side the restaurant owner is on….same with beauticians.

  6. Truckbuddy September 7, 2021 at 1:58 pm

    Just when fast food was starting to taste good again, we gotta have all these assholes come back.

    What??? If you like fast food restaurants, don’t be shocked when you stand staring at the pink/purple/green/orange haired, tatted eyeball in the middle of their forehead, a bull nose ring employee, would be enough for me to turn around and walk out. Even going into WalMart any more sends me to the self checkout every time. I walked out from WalMart yesterday without making a purchase.

  7. I’m Sorry, you job has been filled by a $12,000 touch screen system, that while Filthy, is still much cleaner than you scratching you ass and handling food.

    We do have a new position for you with Windex and & Paper Towel. Of course since it is a new position so you will have to start from the bottom again. At Minimum wage. You will be expected to stand like an imbecile with your nose rings, ear discs, & blue hair and disinfect 3 to 5 of these Idiot screens and keep them clean.

    If you work hard for about a year or so, we will move you up to the position of “Person who Chisels Boogers & Gum from the Tables & counters.”

    Thank you for interest in joining our “TEAM”

  8. @aleon

    Over a year ago in Canuckistan my Student daughter asked,” Gov’t pandemic assistance pays $100 less per month that lifeguarding. What should I do?”

    I said, an accountant would tell you that since going to work costs money staying home on C.E.R.B. would actually be more profitable. (mathematically correct)

    Going to work would result in less net income but was the moral thing to do and it would look much better on a resume.

    She made like Ronald Reagan and life guarded last summer & this summer!

    Solid Kid, despite having an asshole like me as a dad.

  9. I have been unsuccessful at getting hired for over a year. Have well over 500 resumes out easily. 20+ interviews. Received no unemployment here for over 5 months, last employer said I was negligent or something, after it re-upping in April 2021. I have been in the appeal process for 5 MONTHS. Been applying for Graphic Designer positions, as well as Web, Customer service, Cleaning, Car Sales, you name it. I am an old (54) heavyset White Guy, that has health issues. They are giving me the hard pass. I cough a lot so food service is probably not an option. Feeling very challenged, need a fresh perspective, career change? Any ideas? It will only be worse now that unemployment has ended for the ones that were getting it.

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