JEB! Wants ‘Action’ on Climate Change!!! – IOTW Report

JEB! Wants ‘Action’ on Climate Change!!!

RedState: Jeb Bush has returned to brighten your Labor Day weekend with a message: It’s time for Republicans to take “action” on climate change.

Yes, with everything that’s going on right now, including the country being led off a cliff by Joe Biden, 2016’s low-energy candidate has his finger on the pulse. Inflation, American hostages in Afghanistan, the border crisis, etc. pale in comparison to the urgent need to tax carbon and spend more money we don’t have on useless green energy projects.

But it’s not just the message that’s dumb. It’s also the presentation. Bush decided to play off his infamous “please clap” moment and it’s hilarious in a “laughing at you, not with you” kind of way. Watch

36 Comments on JEB! Wants ‘Action’ on Climate Change!!!

  1. All Jeb! is doing is what all the other rich “greenies” are demanding–that government mandate programs that are the mainstay of their stock portfolios–in other words, make us patronize their companies as opposed to letting the marketplace determine winners or losers.
    Never let a crisis go to waste (even if you have to create the crisis in the first place!)!

  2. Explain the thermodynamics to me, !CHEB!
    Explain them in mathematical detail, and maybe I’ll listen to your sorry ass.
    Don’t give me shit about some guy who saw the results of a computer model once – cuz I know enough about programming to make a model which will do just the opposite.
    Explain the Penultimate Glacial Period in light of mankind’s contribution.
    Explain the Last Glacial Maximum vis-à-vis man’s carbon emissions.
    Explain the Medieval Warm Period in terms of automobiles and industry.

    Do these four little things (for such a profound genius as yourself) and I will climb aboard your bandwagon.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim, JEB! knows thermodynamics! Why just yesterday, he was explaining how important the Carrot Cycle is to the planet. You know, in terms like “thermal efficiency” and empathy of water vapor over the oceans. Get off his case, man! C’mon!

  4. Oh these bushes are so retarded.
    What does Jeb mean by ‘engaging’ on ‘climate change’?
    Does jeb think he is relevant to anyone or anything? Who cares about jeb? His wife maybe?
    Brother shrub is underground he doesn’t want to talk about his ‘change Afghanistan’ project that was only going to end badly.

  5. MMinWA – The Shrubs? Wise up? Ain’t nebber gonna happen.

    BUT…..if Jeb wants to make a difference…..Kill off his entire fambly (reduction of carbon footprint)….take all his land, property, and houses, and sub-divide them so that there are more places for poor people to live. Wait?! What?! You say it ain’t nebber gonna happen? It happened in your hero homeland, Russia.

  6. The worst part of this message? In 15 years we will have to be dealing with his skinny-jeans-wearing offspring. None of these Bush assholes ever had to do an honest days work in their lives. The idle rich who love to dabble in politics, and we all get to suffer the results.


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