More Newsom Failure Theatre: Negotiations Break Down Over Funding of California’s Bullet Train Boondoggle – IOTW Report

More Newsom Failure Theatre: Negotiations Break Down Over Funding of California’s Bullet Train Boondoggle


In 13 years, the supposed $10 billion California Bullet Train, has now ballooned to a cost of $98 billion, and the first section between Bakersfield and Merced has not even been completed. Who goes from Bakersfield (Central Valley) to Merced (edge of the Bay Area) on a regular basis you ask? Not enough people to offset how much this is costing the American taxpayer.

The aphorism, “in for a penny, in for a pound,” comes to mind. With this boondoggle of a project that stupid people voted for in 2008 failing at every turn, Governor Gavin Newsom does the only thing he knows how to do: throw more money at it and assume it will resolve itself.

From the Los Angeles Times:

A battle to secure an additional $4.2 billion for the California bullet train has hit an impasse, with Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders failing to reach a compromise Friday.

His Hairfulness is still under threat of Recall. He, and his media sycophants claims he has the advantage, but if he continues to lose these battles, it will add additional fodder to the case for his removal.

Not that additional fodder is needed. This governor is a corrupt, inept disaster and he needs to be removed. more

11 Comments on More Newsom Failure Theatre: Negotiations Break Down Over Funding of California’s Bullet Train Boondoggle

  1. What boggles the mind is, after you hear him or his staff speak publicly it doesn’t take long to figure out these people are dumber than a box of rocks. They’ve never run a business, they’ve never signed the front of a paycheck, the life long gov employees that would ever survive in the real world. Scares the shit out me to hear they are negotiating anything. They’re not capable.

  2. If you understand that the rail project was just another way to pay off the “supporters” of the politicians (by paying inflated land prices) who would then share their good fortunes with the politicians, then you’d know that the project is right on schedule. A few more rounds of taxpayer moneys to split and they’ll say that it’s our fault because we won’t take a train when we can fly.

  3. “In 13 years, the supposed $10 billion California Bullet Train, has now ballooned to a cost of $98 billion“

    In all fairness, half of that 88 billion increase was due to the Biden inflation over the last 8 months.

  4. Merced is not on the “edge of the Bay Area”, it’s a two-and-a-half-hour drive away. And the reason that section was started first was because it was the cheapest land. The only passengers between those two destinations would be migrant farm laborers going from one job to another.

    While watching the US Open tennis tournament on the tube this week and last I’ve noticed an all-out commercial blitz, from Bernie to Kamilla (where’s that community organizer guy?) and the prevailing theme is that everyone will die if the recall is successful because Elder is anti-vaxx.

    Newsom has also promised another round of stimulus checks, more free money.

  5. It has been a bribe supported boondoggle for 45 years.

    I grew up a Ronny “D”. I had a good friend (whom I nominated for my Board, and was elected) who was Chm of Asmb Trans. Cmmt. He took $xxx,xxx bribe to get govt to build BTrain. Jerry got $xx,xxx,xxx bribe. Bruce spent his $ in America, and went to prison. Jerry went to RedChina; spent his significantly more $ and was ok. If you get a Bribe from Globalists but do not spend the bribe in America its OK?!@#$?!%^&*?!#*?

    I distrust lawyers; this is one reason why!

    The Bullet Train is the result of globalist bribery! But spend your bribe in Red China and “no harm, no foul”!


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