California state pension invests millions in Chinese state-owned companies, including those blacklisted by Trump admin – IOTW Report

California state pension invests millions in Chinese state-owned companies, including those blacklisted by Trump admin


SACRAMENTO, CA- In just under two weeks, voters in the State of California will have the opportunity to launch their incompetent governor, Gavin Newsom, into an early retirement.

They might also want to consider getting rid of their state treasurer, Fiona Ma, daughter of Chinese immigrants.

Why? Well for one thing, the state’s pension system is heavily invested, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in Chinese-state owned enterprises linked to the People’s Liberation Army, according to documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

According to the outlet, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) invested over $3 billion…that’s billion with a B…in Chinese companies, including 14 state-controlled enterprises that were blacklisted by former President Trump’s administration in June 2020. That amount is currently some $490 million. 

A number of those companies are funding the so-called “Belt and Road Initiative,” a massive infrastructure undertaking underway by China in order to “expand its geopolitical and military influence.”

Newsom actually recently praised a pro-Beijing newspaper which was required to register as a foreign agent of China due to its influence activities in the United States.

The paper, Sing Tao was praised for its “journalistic integrity” and for its provision of “balanced news stories to its readers. Newsom said the paper, published daily in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York City has assisted Chinese Americans in acclimating to California.

The paper’s owners are members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a government advisory group controlled by—the Chinese Communist Party.

The paper has also been praised by the official bartender of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and she used the paper to advertise in April 2021 in the amount of $728 for ads pushing the jab, and $2,755 in June 2020, according to FEC filings. read more

3 Comments on California state pension invests millions in Chinese state-owned companies, including those blacklisted by Trump admin

  1. This guys an ass. I love his adds. “The leading Republican candidate will destroy the economy”. To late pal, there’s nothing left of it. And every time these jackasses chase a business out of California their reaction is, well see ya loser. There’s not many left. Which is why this state barely has a middle class anymore.
    Larry Elder is going to be on this guys show tomorrow. Ultra conservative ex Sheriff. Should be good if you’re interested.


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