Election Analysis by Seth Keshel – IOTW Report

Election Analysis by Seth Keshel

Election Fraud At A Glance| Seth Keshel: Former US military intelligence officer and statistical analyst Seth Keshel reportedly predicted the 2016 election outcome accurately in all fifty states.

Following the November 2020 Presidential Election he analyzed the trends of voter registrations versus actual votes and discovered alarming anomalies in a number of counties, ones that defy trends that (in some cases) have proved reliable for over 100 years. He has published reports by county and by state that indicate which counties’ vote counts align with the trend in voter registrations and which have small or large divergences.

Seth has been an advisor to Former Lt. General Michael Flynn and Federal Lawyer Sidney Powell.

In the following pages you will find maps and charts that flag each county as red, yellow or green, based on whether the 2020 vote totals aligned with the trends, or diverged in statistically unlikely ways: read more

11 Comments on Election Analysis by Seth Keshel

  1. Stolen.

    Just glancing at that map it shows Vegas was stacked like a mother fucker!
    They cheated for Hillary too but felt it was in the bag enough they didn’t go all in.
    With the 2016 election data they knew EXACTLY what needed to be done and mission accomplished.
    In the old days motherfucker’s heads would be on pikes.
    I miss the old days!

  2. Loco
    I don’t think Trump was supposed to win 2016. The fix was in for Kilary. America’s pissed off with Washington business as usual. Completely blew the algorithm. That’s why Kilary was so pissed.
    Completely blew their new algorithm in 2020, that’s why the poles shut down.
    That’s also why the Dems are in a hurry to F__k up as much as possible.
    It’s hard to say who the biggest threat is, Soros, China, Cartel, Taliban, MS13, SCOTUS, or MSM, but the Dems (RINO’s) embrace them all.

  3. Cmn¢¢guy: “It’s hard to say who the biggest threat is, Soros, China, Cartel, Taliban, MS13, SCOTUS, or MSM, but the Dems (RINO’s) embrace them all.”

    You left out the Congress and The Federal Reserve Bank. But you’re right: roll the dice (in no particular order):

    2 – Soros
    3 – China
    4 – Taliban
    5 – MS13
    6 – SCOTUS
    7 – MSM
    8 – Congress
    9 – Federal Reserve
    10 – The Russians
    11 – Branch Covidians
    12 – Global Insanity

    I threw in a few extra and ran out of dice outcomes. Could probably use three dice!

  4. He’s more forgiving than I am. Subtract potential vote fraud from Idiot.

    So it’s likely Trump took CO, GA, HI, IL, ME, MI, MN, NV, NH, NJ, NM, OR, PA, RI, VA, WA, and WI.

    PS Do a little math on average turnout of voting age population (255 mil as of ’19) by registered to vote (2/3, some will tell you half if you remove the corpses) and turnout this century before ’20 (~ half). To have 155 million votes there would have had to be 100% turnout of all registered voters.

  5. God bless Gen Flynn and any one with the ability to continue to call out the greatest fraud in our country’s history. That being said, he is iterating points that have been raised very early, some almost from the day after the election.

    The options he listed fall into the vote HARDERER NEXT TIME category. Counting on the SC to do shit is pointless, they had a chance when this baby was red hot and they punted. Counting on ANYONE other then ourselves is also pointless. The people we’ve put into power in DC are at most, AT FUCKING MOST, going to send out a tweet. They almost all fall into the Tom “let’s move on” Cotton mold.

    Nope, the way I see it, it’s going to take someone with an insane amount of cred like Trump or Flynn to issue a call to arms. And since it would take a constituency of a moral and religious people to back them up, sorry it just ain’t gonna happen, either the call or the backing them up.

    So the question I believe everyone here is asking is what are we to do? TO FUCKING DO???? Pouring over more proof that we are being ruled by an illegitimate regime is nothing more than infuriating. Watching stupid on display video clips from the media is a waste of time.

    Thank god I’m old and have none but some minor regrets because I know the day is going to come when it’s going to be just me and the door to the other side.


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