Is Joe Biden manufacturing a food shortage? – IOTW Report

Is Joe Biden manufacturing a food shortage?


ht/ ghost

18 Comments on Is Joe Biden manufacturing a food shortage?

  1. Would doing so increase innocent human suffering, misery and death?

    There lies your answer any the answer to many other questions regarding this illegitimate malAdministration. That is the motivation behind any and all of their actions and is arrived at based on studied examination of past results of implementing their current agenda items.

  2. yeah, they”re that evil
    stock up.
    and don’t forget your four legged friends, the doggos.
    I buy and stock 50 lbs of dry dog food every week now. Canned food, too.

    Don’t overlook them.

  3. I’m embarrassed to admit that they had me, with some reservations — up until the lawnmower bit. Shame on me. I’m guessing it’s the usual Tik Tok provocateurs pushing buttons to start another run on groceries.

    With Biden whipping up the Covid angst, and because anything is possible these days, it will probably work. So, in the end, they will likely get their food shortage. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

    USDA pays farmers to destroy crops all the time. It’s part of the convoluted farm subsidy program. If this was as widespread as they purport it to be, we would be hearing and reading about it from more legitimate sources. It’s not something that would be easy to conceal.

    Now, if the USDA ordered the slaughter and destruction of all poultry, cattle, hogs, etc. because of some disease scare — or more likely, climate change — that would trigger my inner conspiracy theorist.

  4. I didn’t hear about the other stuff, but as Brad said, the cargo shipping containers thing is real.
    And they’re not sending stuff out from China because they say it’s a Covid slow down… and uh… reasons.

    This happens when we rely on the enemy for supplies (I mean, what the fuck!?) instead of ourselves.

    Waiting for another ‘gust of wind’ to happen when Biden’s on AF1.

  5. We are all Kulaks now. The SOB’s are salivating at starving us all to death just like the commies did to the Ukrainians as well as others 100 years ago under the USSR. Joey and all of his ilk are pure evil bent on the death and destruction of all that is good about America. My trust is in God that he will deliver us from the evil man, I have no trust in this faux presidunce or any of his evil minions. I will not obey any of his unconstitutional or ungodly mandates and edicts ever.

  6. Since Biden’s strings are non-existent to lead from the front, his longer back strings are played by global fiends’ fear-mongering to manipulate and control the masses. Start thinking, reasoning, watching, and listening for yourselves. The “fear tool” is a powerful and violent tactic and once submitted to they’ve gotcha. “KETCHEM AND KILLEM” is their sick and demonic creed.

  7. Something doesn’t smell right. If this were true, if letters were already being sent out, at least one conservative representative would already be howling about it.

    And I also don’t see family farmers bending over so quickly and saying, welp I’m going to mow everything down because that’s what the gubmint told me to do.

    Nah. Sorry. I’m stocking up anyway, but for slightly different reasons.

  8. Prediction:

    Because of Biden’s announcement yesterday, in the next few weeks there’s going to be a major terrorist event costing many lives, supposedly pulled off by some mysterious right-wing anti-vaxxer who conveniently leaves a manifesto and questionable online footprints.

    That’ll give the Left all the justification it needs to go full draconian on anyone who can’t provide vax proof on demand.

  9. 3 Days from Starvation.

    Typical socialist agenda – National Socialist, Inter-National Socialist, Progressive, Leftist, ChiCom, Soviet Socialist, Anarchist, Syndicalist, Democratic Socialist, Social Democrat – take your pick.
    (a guy in Cuba went to jail for saying it out loud – I can’t find his video – it must have been purged)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Yeah! Department of Hydrocarbons?

    Almost got me until I heard this on the “Tik Tok” video. But, with the likes of Biden, ANYTHING disastrous is possible or, at least, believable as possibly true.

    Don’t know how reliable this Fact Check source is. But, here it is, for what it’s worth:

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