Iceland Unleashes The World’s Biggest Carbon Capture Machine On The Environment – IOTW Report

Iceland Unleashes The World’s Biggest Carbon Capture Machine On The Environment


A machine capable of removing 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the air each year has just been switched on in Iceland. The plant – named Orca, after the Icelandic word for “energy” – is the largest carbon removal facility in the world, converting emissions into minerals that can be permanently stored deep underground.

Constructed by Swiss company Climeworks, Orca uses fans to draw air into eight large metal boxes. Highly selective filters inside these collector units then capture carbon dioxide on their surfaces.

Once the filters are full, the collectors are closed and the temperature is raised to between 80 and 100 degrees Celsius (176 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit). This releases the carbon dioxide, which can be collected as a highly concentrated gas. More

29 Comments on Iceland Unleashes The World’s Biggest Carbon Capture Machine On The Environment

  1. How many Megawatts does it take to run those fans and heaters?
    They are just collecting the emissions created to make the electricity to run the damn thing. Net Zero Gain.

  2. And thus begins the true death of the planet.
    Remove/reduce the CO2, remove plant “food”.
    Reduce/remove plant food, kill off the plants.
    Kill off the plants, reduce the O2.
    Reduce the O2, slowly but surely kill off the higher animals: people, elephants, leopards, horses, cows…you get the picture.
    So all these EcoNazi Libtards that claim to love the planet and “SAVE THE WHALES!” – – don’t.

  3. Anybody ever hear of photosynthesis over there???

    Geeesh! The least thing they could do is figure out how to reclaim the O2 before burying it for years underground. I mean, I might need some of that oxygen to breath someday.

  4. Most if not all of the energy they are using for their scheme is coming from the heat from the volcanoes that are spewing ~100,000,000 times the amount of CO2 they are capturing, so the only money wasted is for maintenance and repairs of the equipment. So more or less benign. But on the other hand… HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE THESE RETARDS ???

  5. Why build it? Because somebody will pay for it and somebody makes a butt load of money. I thought it would be coal fired.
    “carbon capture machine”
    The Corn belt across America, consumes 1 1/2 times the carbon, as the Rain forest.
    I really can’t imagine higher CO2 levels, wouldn’t all the plants just grow faster.
    The rain forest is a misdirect, while they clear cut forest here in the US.

  6. I don’t know how much these geniuses spent on that plant, but it looks pretty expensive. So why not instead, take that money build acres and acres of greenhouses, all geothermal heated, and grow food? The plants actually convert CO2 into oxygen. It’s a win-win-win!

  7. If you want bigger, stronger plants in your greenhouse, you buy CO2 tanks and mete it out to give them more to work with.

    CO2 is plant food. Not a pollutant. It doesn’t just float around and not be used by plants. If you lived on a submarine you’d need a scrubber, but out in the atmosphere where the world’s plants are, it’s a good, necessary, thing.

    My goodness the father of lies must be pleased with how well he deceives humanity.

  8. 4,000 tons, huh?
    Seeing as there’s ~5.9326 E+15 tons of Air, that makes roughly 2.1357 E+12 tons of Carbon Dioxide, so they’re removing what? About 1.8729 E-7 % per year?
    And they spent money on this bullshit?
    Musta been one fast-talking salesman!

    izlamo delenda est …


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