The Covid vaccine has to be the only product in history to blame its uselessness on people who don’t use it – IOTW Report

The Covid vaccine has to be the only product in history to blame its uselessness on people who don’t use it

The Covid vaccine has to be the only product in history to blame its uselessness on people who don’t use it. –  seaoh 

ht/ woody

17 Comments on The Covid vaccine has to be the only product in history to blame its uselessness on people who don’t use it

  1. That story says 90% of covid patients are unvaccinated.
    That could mean they have 6 patients – 5 of which are unvaccinated.
    Story doesn’t give that info, because THIS IS NOT A PANDEMIC!!!!!!

  2. It doesn’t matter anyway. Using the same methodology we are all going to burn to death some time tomorrow. When I woke up four hours ago the temperature was 50 degrees, now four hours later it is 60 degrees if it continues at this rate by 5 AM tomorrow it will be 110 degrees and we will all be burnt to death before sundown Saturday

  3. Next week we’ll luck the unvaccinated up.

    Then we’ll continue to see food shortages.

    Then the “shelter in place” edicts (followed by the gun confiscation). Don’t comp!y then your electric water and even the internet will be taken from you.

    To get your positive social reliability rating back you’ll have to receive bar coding on your wrists which will contain all info about you and your family.

    To continue to work you will need to sign over your savings bank and 401 k accounts to the government to fund the new universal healthcare and income guarantee programs.

    Congratulations you are now a global citizen.

  4. Again groucho the only statistics I need are my personal statistics and your death jab killed 3 of my family members even if you say it only killed them because they were stupid racists. Yeah I haven’t forgotten your comment, you are pathetic and in my book have about as much integrity as Traitor Joe.

  5. Elwood, I agree up to a point. Him continuing to take credit for these damn things has gotten on my last nerve. He needs to shut the hell up about the death jabs. If he can’t do that then he needs to drop out of the picture and let someone else step into it.

  6. Your link still does not provide a number.
    But it says this –
    “Our hospitals have not been at a point where we cannot accept patients, but we have been experiencing a high census in our emergency departments and other care units related to an increase in COVID-19 patients.”

    What the hell happened to you?

  7. Something else to keep in mind, I learned this last year, you can just come into the ER and if you test positive for covid, they admit you on paper, but then you’re sent home and are counted as taking up a bed.

    Hell one hospital claimed to be totally full of covid patients and having to reroute ambulances to other hospitals. They said their ICU beds were 100% full. Then come to find out, they had exactly 4 ICU beds, and a total of 140 beds in the entire hospital and that included maternity and surgery floor.

    When called out on it, they just quit talking about it, but I guarantee they were getting those covid bucks on all 140 beds even if you were having your appendix removed or hernia repaired or were giving birth.


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