Disgusting – Leftwing Media Uses Out of Context Picture To Mislead Their Nose-Picking Readers into Thinking Larry Elder Attacked Someone – IOTW Report

Disgusting – Leftwing Media Uses Out of Context Picture To Mislead Their Nose-Picking Readers into Thinking Larry Elder Attacked Someone

This is “reporting” by leftwing shitstains.

Ths story is about the woman who attacked Larry Elder in a gorilla mask.

Yet, this is the picture they run with the story.

Elder is greeting a supporter.

See for yourself HERE

23 Comments on Disgusting – Leftwing Media Uses Out of Context Picture To Mislead Their Nose-Picking Readers into Thinking Larry Elder Attacked Someone

  1. wow bold-faced lies and doctored photos by known black-hating LA Tines media who should be sued by Mr. Elder for attempting to defame him and covering up for a known racist wearing a gorilla mask to mock him. Fact is, millions of people caught the ORIGINAL photo interaction and attempted assault including the filming of the std-infected white liberal supremacist woman attempting to assault him. Add to that FACEBOOK’s AI programmed to recognize black people as “primates” and boldly stating so, a recent racial-slur incident which media tried desperately to hide—but not enough from those who read and pay attention to credible sources of news events/incidents.

  2. If you read the article at the bottom is a link to “Suggest a Correction”.
    Of course I had to……

    LOL!!! Suggest a correction?
    How about you don’t use a picture that has nothing to do with Elder getting attacked by a crazy woman in a gorilla mask?
    YOU ARE FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it.

  3. Why are blacks and women so stupid? A poll I was looking at the other day showed that the highest support dictator Joe had was blacks and women with degrees.

    The left doesn’t care about blacks or women, so yes I call blacks and women stupid.

  4. These left wing commie scum are going to understand
    one thing and one thing only, raw violence until they are
    all DEAD.It is like some kind of mass insanity and there
    is no way to bring them to the truth.You can see the
    insanity in the faces of the freaks attacking Elder.

  5. They only did the degrees for men and women, the men with degrees supported him more than men without degrees, but not as big of difference as the women with degrees.
    I do wonder though why these polls don’t break down white, hispanic and blacks with degrees and without?

  6. There is nothing dumber than a professionally degreed, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Politically Correct Liberal Lemming convinced they are right because they have a piece of paper that sez so!

  7. 71 years after Cronkite’s UGLY AMERICAN FAKE NEWS SHOW; fake news is still just as strong.
    (for those <70; his show was so popular a guy wrote a book with Ugly American as title to capitalize on it. Book was a wee hit.)

    When I turned 71; I was much weaker than 21! What's FAK NEWS's secret?

  8. The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!
    The left needs more fake news!

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