You’re “Running Out of Patience”? Welcome to the Club – IOTW Report

You’re “Running Out of Patience”? Welcome to the Club

Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT

I keep seeing history being rewritten so let me offer a CliffsNotes version:

We. All. Fucking. Stayed. Home.

We all masked. We were all “in this together” until the restrictions became unreasonable. We didn’t get haircuts. We missed deaths of loved ones from other diseases. We put off funerals.

We put on masks. We social distanced.

Not for 15 days. But 30 days. 45 days. We watched as our businesses closed, our events canceled. And then we watched Nancy Pelosi get a haircut.
And you defended her.

We watched Gavin have dinner with friends.
And you defended him. We watched as you protested and rioted and looted and burned, all the while telling us we were horrible for being mad about the draconian measures implemented that shut down our gyms and bars and theaters. We were “in this together” when you said you wouldn’t trust a vaccine under Trump.

We were “in this together” when you acted like the experts knew what the fuck they were talking about even as they changed their position in the matter of days. We did it your way.

It didn’t work. So take your revisionist bullshit and go hide under your bed. You act like HCQ is an experimental drug.

It isn’t. You act like Ivermectin is only for horses.

It isn’t. You act like you follow the science.

You don’t.

If you did, you wouldn’t hold the positions you do. This isn’t about being anti-vaxx.

This is about your arrogance and rewriting history to make you feel better about being the Nazis at this point in history. You think your patience is running out?

LOL fuck you. I know people that couldn’t hold their family member’s hand as they died because of COVID.

Fuck your inconvenience. I know people that lost their businesses.

Fuck your “running out of patience” I think it’s time you give the unvaxxed their credit. Many of us have already had COVID and lived.

Hell, mine was treated early with vitamins and it wasn’t even at flu strength. No, COVID is not a hoax. It absolutely should be taken seriously.

But maybe it should have been taken seriously by your side the entire time. Our patience ran out last year, early this year.

Welcome to the club. 

ht/ left coast dan

30 Comments on You’re “Running Out of Patience”? Welcome to the Club

  1. We watched as anti-Trumpers in Congress defied anything the president had to say in the early stages of the virus outbreak. To you, every single word out of his mouth was not to be taken seriously.
    We watched as Nancy gathered with masses of people in Chinatown, defying Trump and inviting everyone to come on down and enjoy the festivities.

  2. ““Running Out of Patience”?

    No. I’m fucking pissed. I think in part they are trying to destroy Capitalism. How many businesses have historically taken a political stand chasing away potential sales. Not to mention the toll COVID is inflicting. But Capitalism is disappearing.

  3. “No, COVID is not a hoax. It absolutely should be taken seriously.” This b/s is repeated in almost every rebuttal. It completely weakens the argument. 99%+ survival rate. How many serious disease have a 99% survival rate?

  4. Excellent rant! Spot on.

    “…Fuck your “running out of patience” I think it’s time you give the unvaxxed their credit. Many of us have already had COVID and lived…”

    Already a member of that club. Had it last November, with NO symptoms other than loss of smell.

    No consideration given for natural immunity, no consideration given for proven alternative Ivermectin or HCQ treatments. It’s the experimental jab or else suffer the full wrath of the ruling class oligarchs.

    You prove time and time again to those of us think independently and critically that this has NOTHING to do about our health and well being. I don’t even need to state what it is about here because that would be preaching to the choir.

  5. Funny how many of the usually scheduled ailments have barely made an appearance because of the “COVID precautions” but COVID is still “running rampant” because we are not taking enough precautions.

    If Biden thinks HE is losing patience, he ain’t seen nothing yet.

  6. Spot fucking on.

    I forwarded it to many once Dan put it in the comments.

    We’re done. We’re also on to your evil doings and we’re having none of it. We will defy you at every turn. We will prevent your success and flip you the bird. If we must we will create an underground speakeasy barter system, our own underground railroad and what ever it takes to stymie your efforts.

    You’ve lost patience, drool bucket Joe?

    Who do you think you are dealing with? The rest of us have superior IQ’s to you and we don’t need you. You or your sperm donating drug addict son.

    Funny how you hid yesterday. Didn’t dare be in front of the american people on 9/11 +20 and girlyman surrender +14 days. You are now and have always been a coward. And a know nothing. A dignified man would fall on his sword. Go meet FDR and Teddy Kennedy in hell.

  7. I think I said this a day or two ago, ‘I am running out of patience’ means ‘I am right about everything, and I am allowed to force everyone to do what I want them to do.’ Well, no you are not. At least the president has sort of a claim, but a random person certainly does not. And the president doesn’t have that right either. No, ‘I am running out of patience’ means you are an authoritarian. And there is no place for authoritarians in my world.

  8. I’ve run out of patience with the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media in lock-step with the democRAT party as their personal propaganda arm pissing on our collective heads and telling us it’s just raining, instead of doing their jobs to report the news honestly without bias or fabrication!

  9. I’m sick of being called things I’m not.

    If you tried to sell me a pair of scissors that didn’t cut paper,
    and I said no thanks.
    That doesn’t make me anti-scissors.
    I just don’t want to waste my time on things that don’t do what they’re supposed to do.

  10. I’ve been pissed at all the mask wearers and mayors and governors across the country mandating masks and business closures since the beginning.
    I’ve tried since the beginning to tell people to not comply, that they were destroying our country by complying, that their kids/grandkids were going to be scrounging for food in trash dumpsters when they turned us into a socialist country and that it would all be on them.
    We don’t want to die they would tell me, well too bad we’re all going to die and when it’s our time to die we’ll die whether it’s a car wreck, the flu, falling down in the shower or not waking up in the morning. So think about what you are doing to your kids and grandkids futures and quit being selfish thinking about yourself and giving them this kind of power.

    I warned people about mRna, sent them links to all the studies, even printed out some of them, but they didn’t care, they still couldn’t line up quick enough for their poison shots.

    Thanks to those people we have a brain dead idiot in the WH being controlled by evil people.
    So I’m pissed at those people and have been pissed at those people since I watched an election stolen.
    So those evil people can go to hell, I will never comply with their bullshit. I will never get over that their poison shots killed my mother that they kept me from for almost a year and then dies shortly after they allow me to see her from their poison shots.

  11. A very much spot on assessment of our tyrannical wanna-be senile dingleberry posing as a world leader. It’s never really been about the virus, it’s all about covering for your Chinese master’s loss of control over a bioweapon.
    You’ve done nothing but continuously fuck up Biden, and insult the American people to hide your massive mistakes. In case you haven’t noticed, people at large events chant “fuck you”. And soon all the chain link fences, and Capital Gestapo police won’t save you and your staff from becoming a tree branch ordainment in the Washington Mall.

  12. I never had any patience for this insanity.
    On day one of their 2 weeks to flatten the fucking curve, I screamed at anyone within hearing distance that this is insane.
    Every couple of weeks something would happen that raised my hopes that my fellow Americans were waking up to the scam, only to be disappointed at their stupidity and cowardice.
    And then came Joe.
    Any country that would elect something like this old perverted fuck to be the leader of the free world deserves to go down in flames.
    We are SO fucked.

  13. The evil ones behind the covid terrorist attack are not running out of patience, they are running out of time. They need to get as many people genetically modified (not vaccinated– vaccines are entirely different) as possible before the true effects of the covid jabs start to become so apparent that even the sheeple won’t be able to deny them anymore.

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