The Hypocrisy Couldn’t Be THICKER! Lefty Pols Don Masks ONLY For the 9/11 Photo Op – IOTW Report

The Hypocrisy Couldn’t Be THICKER! Lefty Pols Don Masks ONLY For the 9/11 Photo Op

5 Comments on The Hypocrisy Couldn’t Be THICKER! Lefty Pols Don Masks ONLY For the 9/11 Photo Op

  1. Black masks, like black armbands, are just another symbol denoting temporary membership in a group and having nothing at all to do with public health. Of course, the ladies can wear discreetly flowered masks if they so desire. It doesn’t matter though…they all look like idiots, and they know it, which is why that shit gets yanked off as soon as they think they can get away with it.

    Lordy, the demeaning shit the elites have to do to keep us down. I’d pity them if I didn’t detest them so much.

  2. Cindy Adams

    “Get poked or lose your job.” – Joe Biden
    “Get poked or lose your job.” – Harvey Weinstein.

    Joke Biden isn’t the king of plagiarism for nothing.

  3. I wipe my ass with their masks.
    Then they can wear them as they wish.

    I maintain that the last 20 years of bullshit was purposed to make us rise up, so they can put us down.
    Making the jab mandatory, in defiance of ALL Constitutional rights, is their latest higher bid.


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