Facebook Aided In Recruitment Of Modern Day Slaves, Cartel Hitmen Internal Documents Show – IOTW Report

Facebook Aided In Recruitment Of Modern Day Slaves, Cartel Hitmen Internal Documents Show

Zero Hedge: It seems like the WSJ’s entire San Francisco bureau has been preoccupied lately with churning out a series of stories sourced from “leaked” internal Facebook documents exposing embarrassing internal reports on everything from Instagram’s deleterious impact on the mental health of its twentysomething and teenage users to political divisiveness to – today’s entry – how Facebook’s products are abused to facilitated human trafficking and terror recruitment in parts of the emerging world.

The gist of the piece is this: Facebook has a small staff dedicated to combating human trafficking around the world, particularly in countries where the rule of law isn’t as robust as it is in the US and Europe. In the Middle East, Facebook is used to lure women into sex slavery (or some other form of exploitative labor).

In Ethiopia, armed groups use the site to recruit and to incite violence against other ethnic minorities.

Facebook’s monitors have also sent reports to their bosses on everything from human organ trafficking, pornography and child pornography, and government’s cracking down on political dissent. read more

3 Comments on Facebook Aided In Recruitment Of Modern Day Slaves, Cartel Hitmen Internal Documents Show

  1. 2 or 3 years ago, I posted a story here about FB, craigslist and Twitter users openly ordering African, Indian, Pakistani, and Arabic slave maidens. Kids and teens being passed around for ‘other’ reasons. So gross.
    Even recently, you can see Arabic accounts on Twitter showing child rape and al-kaida, hezboallah, ISISspecialK beating, raping and planning terror. RIGHT THERE out in the open.

    But who do the socialmediatards target? American center and right of center.


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