Texas Law Enforcement Forced to Storm Border, Secure Area after Biden Failed – IOTW Report

Texas Law Enforcement Forced to Storm Border, Secure Area after Biden Failed

Neon Nettle

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has been forced to send in Texas law enforcement officials to storm the border and secure the Del Rio area after Democrat Joe Biden failed to handle the migrant crisis there.

Texas law enforcement officials now appear to have taken control of the situation in Del Rio.

The move comes after the Biden administration repeatedly failed to stop tens of thousands of migrants from entering the United States illegally.

“The Texas Department of Public Safety is in full force along the border around the Del Rio area,” Governor Abbott said in a tweet.

His post included an image showing scores of law enforcement vehicles that had descended on the area. more

7 Comments on Texas Law Enforcement Forced to Storm Border, Secure Area after Biden Failed

  1. “way down yonder in Bidenville … singing ‘Let My People Go’ ”

    oops … I mean ‘Laissez mon peuple partir’
    or, if you prefer … ‘Acha watu wangu waende’

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