All in the Family – Now Chris Cuomo is Accused of Sexual Harassment in NYTs Expose – IOTW Report

All in the Family – Now Chris Cuomo is Accused of Sexual Harassment in NYTs Expose

His former boss at ABC –

Courtesy of Twitchy-

From The New York Times:

I was Chris Cuomo’s boss at ABC News nearly two decades ago, and I am a regular viewer of CNN today, so I’ve long watched how he communicates on camera and witnessed at times how he behaved behind the scenes. This year, as he escaped accountability for advising former Gov. Andrew Cuomo during his sexual harassment scandal, two moments crystallized for me how Mr. Cuomo performs.

Yes, it was written by the woman accusing him of sexually harassing him.

Keep going:

“Now that I think of it … I am ashamed,” read the subject line of a 2005 email Mr. Cuomo wrote me, one hour after he sexually harassed me at a going-away party for an ABC colleague. At the time, I was the executive producer of an ABC entertainment special, but I was Mr. Cuomo’s executive producer at “Primetime Live” just before that. I was at the party with my husband, who sat behind me on an ottoman sipping his Diet Coke as I spoke with work friends. When Mr. Cuomo entered the Upper West Side bar, he walked toward me and greeted me with a strong bear hug while lowering one hand to firmly grab and squeeze the cheek of my buttock.

“I can do this now that you’re no longer my boss,” he said to me with a kind of cocky arrogance. “No you can’t,” I said, pushing him off me at the chest while stepping back, revealing my husband, who had seen the entire episode at close range. We quickly left.

He even EMAILED her to apologize.

Chris Cuomo Sexually Harassed Me. I Hope He’ll Use His Power to Make Change.

9 Comments on All in the Family – Now Chris Cuomo is Accused of Sexual Harassment in NYTs Expose

  1. It’s hard to believe that a”good family man” like Fredo, (who prances around in his backyard naked while his wife is on Zoom), could ever be accused of any sexual impropriety! And he comes from such a moral, upstanding family! It is to laugh! Haha

  2. @ judgeroybean SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 AT 10:32 AM

    Prog cumdumpsters are all the same. They have no real problem with it until there is hay to be made out of reporting it. As for the husband, let us just say my girlfriend when I was in my early 20s bestie was “Office Manager” for a powerful Olympia Democrat politician. Got the job right out of high school. We attended parties in Olympia and I can tell you straight up there were Democrats and Republicans at those parties and the cocaine flowed freely. Political spouses of the type who attended these parties were the lowest of the low when it came to what they would tolerate in order to maintain proximity to power. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING was off limits.

    As for their public opposition to the Democrat agenda… pfft. Give me a fucking break.

  3. What is going to happen to this guy?
    If his CNN boss, Jeff Zucker, would not fire Toobin for a world-wide pecker display, do you think he is going to get rid of a moron from a family of morons?
    I’d like to something about Zucker’s family beside his kid’s suck-up to NJ senator Spartacus.

  4. She could have slapped his face, kneed him in the groin (may not hurt him/it) or screamed bloody murder but instead she gathered up her beta arm holder and departed to later cry woe is me to the world! Those turds deserve each other!

  5. There is no off limit to their personal conduct. the powerful are so full of them selves that common conduct is not a requirement for them. It must be tough to be a fallen god.

    It is a puzzle that we reelect these people.!!!

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