VA Gov. Candidate Terry McAuliffe Not Making Himself Popular With Parents – IOTW Report

VA Gov. Candidate Terry McAuliffe Not Making Himself Popular With Parents


Here we go again.  During a Virginia Governor’s Debate, hosted by NBC Washington at Northern Virginia Community College, gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe emphasized his position that parents should not be allowed to determine what books and content are used in the curriculum of students.

Seeming to be dependent on the teacher’s unions for support, McAuliffe said: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” More

9 Comments on VA Gov. Candidate Terry McAuliffe Not Making Himself Popular With Parents

  1. In the flop sweat of internal polling (which always strips out the +10 Demonrat padding) Demonrats far and wide are starting to say the quiet part out loud.

    I doubt the evil bastard can prevail now he has put his commie foot up his own ass.

    This has to be the work of the Lord God Almighty as he confounds their tongues and their evil plans. When Terror McEvil loses the Democrats nationwide will come more unglued then they normally are. There will be glorious, blissful, panic in the streets of Donkey town.

    They are shrieking in satanic desperation as they circle jerk their tribal hatreds onto each other and the usual strategy of the Republicans to stand around and do nothing is actually working out for once. God has this and it will be magnificent.

    The Lord truly works in mysterious ways. Look how the dumb and dumber twins are doing in the Whute House.

    Everything those dunces touch turns to crap. God is using their endless supply of stupidity and hubris to show the entire world the results of Lucifers cheating.

    She can’t even pull off a tightly scripted TV appearance or visit to a college without doing or saying something untruthful or communist and having the event go off the rails. As far as the drooling corpse of the Pedo he’s what baseball calls an automatic out.

    I hate that my beloved country has to suffer under these Lucifarians but I’ve got to learn some humility and leave it in his hands.

    I am humbled daily now as I watch him confounding these satanic minions into pretzels of agony.

  2. Cisco Kid — You’ve nailed it. For these past 254 days of the Drooling Pedo “administration”, as Geoff C. informs me of the latest, I just smile and say, “Good. Good.”

    At the height of POTUS Trump’s successes (and there were so many), dumb dumb Democrats had the luxury of turning their noses up at all that good. Now they are getting object lessons in ways they could have never imagined.

    (It occurred to me that the righteous, along with Jesus, are always are seated to the right hand of God in the Heavenly. It is the position of power and authority. Is this why the Left is called “the Left”?)


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