Anonymous Expert Reveals What Actually Happens with Covid Vaccine – IOTW Report

Anonymous Expert Reveals What Actually Happens with Covid Vaccine

This is not a word-for-word transcript, but a truncated version. Listen to the audio for much more detailed information.

The vaccine attaches to the endothelial cells in the capillary which then becomes a spike protein factory. The projected purpose of the spike protein is to prompt the immune system to generate antibodies to the spike protein under the assumption that antibodies to the spike protein will cause the body to attack any particle that presents a spike protein signature.

What really happens is, when the body begins to internally produce spike protein, the body realizes that it isn’t an infection, it’s actually a poison. So, the body sees it as a poison and generates poison-based antibodies and takes them out. Over time, as more of the endothelial cells crank out more spike protein, the body neutralizes them. It becomes an internal toxin and the body is good at neutralizing them. That’s where you get things like alcoholism and drug resistance. The spike protein is neutralized like a drug. The more your body produces, the more it tolerates because the more infrastructure it has to neutralize it.

Here is where the shedding starts – When the spike protein goes into the vein to the lung, it gets pulled through the lung wall and is exhaled in the air. Anybody that absorbs the spike protein then becomes subject to its physiological effect.

Meaning – the vaxxed person becomes a carrier of what’s technically a poison.

h/t Dadof4

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20 Comments on Anonymous Expert Reveals What Actually Happens with Covid Vaccine

  1. The vax is designed to make other people sick.

    Bio weapon launched THROUGH China by the traitors in the USA to destroy the one remaining hindrance to the New World Order via the Great Reset.

    Well guess what….I caught it and kicked it because of a combination of vitimin D3, Zinc, vitamin C, Quercetin, NAC, Quinine, and the Ivermectin paste (gell).

    So FUCK OFF Deep State.

    Now I’m immune and I’m telling EVERYBODY how I fixed it. The best thing of all was that the fix was swift and dramatic. Within 4 hours of starting this daily regimen my lungs started to clear up! 4 hours! Within 1 day my appetite came back, and with that my strength.

  2. It’s not a vaccine. BOLD Period. Never has been.

    I wonder when ‘we’ will stop dignifying the crap by calling it a vaccine.

    But then I am old and resistant to much of the new nomenclature: freaking endless pronouns for freaking endless genders (he, she, it-girl, boy, it); peaceful protest (rioting destructive assholes), undocumented- ILLEGAL!), ‘Karen’s’-(insane shouting idiots) COVID-19 ( this year’s dominate flu (THE GREATEST TOOL EVER USED FOR GOVERNMENT SUPPRESSION OF EVERYTHING) ‘the science’ (science used as a battering ram’ and “masks” (muzzles). Oh so many more.

  3. Republican(grifting lackey of the uni-party suppressing and robbing EVERYTHING American.

    I think we need to flush that overflowing filthy toilet in Washington DC. Turn the capitol dome upside down and , it’s a giant toilet!! Is that the DaVinci Code of Washington? It’s a toilet.

  4. Flush it out to sea, Mm.

    Right down the river.

    Alternately, turn it into an open glass stadium with a radius of 50 miles. Free parking and souvenirs everywhere! Come and see what’s waiting for you!

    Shocked quartz – FREE! Collect as much as you want!
    Beautiful obsidian! Great for you rock hounds!
    Radioactive rock formations with beautiful colors! You have to see it to believe it! They glow in the dark!

    Bring the family for a semi-hazardous – but survivable – picnic and see your reflection in strange, broken, mirror formations in the ground! The kids will love it! So will grandma and grandpa. They may not want to leave! Or be able to.

    (Services not available. Not responsible for deaths or radiation sickness. Please provide your own medical services. Must hold the remaining States of the United States harmless. Offer not valid in the Communist States of California, Oregon and Washington. Your mileage may vary getting to this location.)

  5. People need to buck up and not be anonymous on things like this.
    The more who show their faces and speak up in person, the more believable.
    Like that nurse who talked to O’Keefe.

  6. @Buck Fiden…

    “…Pfizer’s own internal report (on page 69) warns health care workers about being exposed to people who have been vaccinated — which is rather ironic considering most health care workers are required to be vaccinated themselves…Anyone walking in to a hospital or doctor’s office will be exposed to the spike proteins being shed by virtually the entire staff of workers — but the concentrations will be low compared to what is in the blood streams of the vaccinated.”

    Maybe the danger of the jabbed to the unjabbed is overblown. I sure hope so. But It looks like hospitals, and any other forced-jab facility, should be avoided like the plague, literally. Now I’m worried about my garage band, where all four of the other guys are jabbed. Not only for their health, but mine.

  7. IMHO (and I’m not a doctor) The difference between jabbed and non-jabbed is that the jabbed are producing the spike in all parts of their body. In the unjabbed, when exposed to the spike, the spike needs to get past the body’s natural defenses (i.e. mucous membranes, etc) and it’s not going to be replicated. So, the damage should be much less.

  8. I’m wondering if there is a local dentist and staff that isn’t vaccinated. This bothers me more than actually catching covid. I can guard myself against that. Shedding spike proteins? Not so much, other than keeping the 6-miles-apart rule.

  9. “It is easier to deceive someone than to convince them they’ve been deceived.”

    I know, I know…the “vaccine” is for your own good. And the government is your friend, too…

  10. This is the internet… We’re all molecular biologists with PhDs.

    90% of hospitalizations are you stupid antivaxxers and 99% of the deaths..

    I’m guessing that Darwin was right

  11. I have not found evidence as to how long the vac produces protein. If you desire to get upset, look at a little known medical condition called amyloid, primary and secondary. Basically this is the illness caused by the body producing too much protein.

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